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Campsite Gateways


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Unnecessary and out of fashion I don't think so. Thats why a lot of scout skills are dieing learn them once and forget them. My scouts look forward to building one at most campouts. Our troop has an on going one at summer camp for the last three years useing stone which we will never run out of.

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Gateways not only teach scout skills and build teams, they are also great public relations tools. I have a hard time understanding the LNT concerns. It's "LEAVE no trace", not "have absolutely no indication of your presence." As long as the gateways are staked out and not dug in, I don't see how they will leave a trace when they are removed. Besides, these are rarely erected in the back country where they will have a negative aesthetic impact. Gateways are most commonly used in developed campgrounds.

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I have to agree. The LNT is to try to leave the place better than you found it. Even putting down a tent leaves a matted area. But we do our best to make it look like we weren't there. All we can do is try.


I think that the gateways are a good idea. It seems to teach some of the basics that we seem to be getting away from. How many people here remember building a tower, or a dinner table when we were younger. Or even better, have you actually tried to build a raft.


Those were the days, when creativity and teamwork were key. Lets try to bring it back and not focus so much on rank. Yes eagle is important, but lets EARN IT and learn the basics of scouting.




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