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Scout Camp that offers Surfing

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Are there any Scout Camps that offer Surfing as an activity?


The Ship is looking at a week long activity for next year and expressed that they would like to learn how to surf.


The only one I found on the net is in Hawaii and dont think we can afford this.

I have found some private companies that offer a surf camp but they are costly also.


Something on the east coast would be great.


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Having body surfed as a kid in California, IMO Hawaii is probably going to have the true first-rate program.


There is also the option of finding a Consultant in surfing. Crew/Ship heads for some nice state beach with camping facilities, does its own camp logistics (tentage, food, campfires) and having the Consultant deal with learning to surf!

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Doing a trip to Hawaii was on the list but with $1200 per person just for airfare put it out of reach.


I found a couple of private surfing schools on the east coast but they cost $1500 to $1600 (plus transportation) for a week.


Outside of Hawaii I have been only able to find one other BSA camp that offer surfing.

Camp Fiesta Island in San Diego offers a one day side trip to learn surfing.


The ship has looked at a camp in Florida that does offer windsurfing as an option but the airfare to the camp in San Diego isnt much more.


I thought that in Florida or Texas there might be a camp that does surfing but I havent found one yet.




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How hard are your guys willing to work and what will they put up with? Just a thought here, but it might work...I am unaware of any east coast scouting summercamp surf program...course IMHO I am unaware of any real "surf" on the east coast (joking guys) small waves, yes, but it is not like the "real thing"...


That said, one of the hot spots for east coast surfing is the Outer Banks of North Carolina...Hatteras Island to be exact...It would not be difficult to put together a week long camping trip (there is National Park camp at Cape Hatteras as well as Frisco (ten minutes further down the coast)...Course, like any ship/troop camping you would have to do your own cooking and provisioning(or hit the local restaurants = $$$) but it would be do-able.


Then you could engage one (or more) of the the local outfitters and set up surf lessons, kite boarding lessons(which is IMHO -way cooler), wind-surfing, surf fishing, kayaking and even take a day to go deep sea fishing (expensive if money is tight)or pier fishing (three piers 'close by')...This kind of trip would be limited only by your guy's energy and cash (and it will not be "scout summercamp" cheap)...but it can be done if you are willing to design the trip and do the phone work...good luck, be interested in hearing if you pull it off.



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OK I don't know about surfing, but anarchist's post reminded me that Pamlico Sea Base (on the inner banks) in NC has both a strong water program (sea kayaking, sailing) and extremely helpful people with knowledge of the coastal area. If you contacted East Carolina Council where Pamlico is located and asked them to put you in touch with some Sea base folks, they might be able to help you scope out some options for surfing, even though they, themselves, do not offer a surf program as far as I know. They're just that helpful down there. If you call that council, ask for Teresa and let her know the crazy Michigan troop from this summer says hello.

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We also had boys at Pamlico Sea Base this summer, and they enjoyed it. We've found that they will do what they can to tailor the experience for you. Quite honestly, I'm not sure whether you'd want to do surfing all week long, and a camp like this can offer a whole variety of activities. But as Lisabob says, I'm not aware that they offer surfing. I searched their site and didn't see anything. Still, I'll second her recommendation that you can give them a call.

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Yes, we have offered surfing at Laguna Station for a couple years. There is a video on youtube

which shows a little bit. Basically we enjoy 2-5 foot swells most of June and into July. Great size for beginners. We use 8-11' soft boards with professional instruction early in the week and open surfing the rest of the week in our Island Adventure Program. In 2008 we are opening up a few weeks in June and early July for an all surfing (boogie boarding, skim boarding) week.
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There are two scout camps on Catalina Island off the coast of Southern California. These are Cherry Valley and Emerald Bay. I believe that they are both on the landward side of the island where there would not normally be much surf, but they are probably worth checking out. Emerald Bay is run by the Greater Los Angeles Council. I don''t know who runs Cherry Valley.

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