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Use of private lands to camp


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I have been looking into using private property for camping with our troop. One of the landowners asked me about liability protection. I have looked a bit, searched this forum, and have come up with no info. Is there anything that I can use or point to to help us in this matter?(This message has been edited by NIscouter)

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Comprehensive General Liability Insurance


This coverage provides primary general liability coverage for registered volunteer Scouters with respect to claims arising out of an official Scouting activity with the exception that the coverage is excess over any insurance which may be available to the volunteer for loss arising from the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle or watercraft. This insurance is only available while the vehicle or watercraft is in the actual use of a Scouting unit and being used for a Scouting purpose. Because of the high limits, volunteers should NOT be placed in a position where their assets are jeopardized because of a negligence liability claim or lawsuit.


The insurance provided unregistered Scouting volunteers through the BSA general liability insurance program is excess over any other insurance the volunteer might have to his or her benefit, usually a homeowner's, personal liability, or auto liability policy.


There is no coverage for those who commit intentional or criminal acts

Call phone number (972) 580-2000 and speak to BSA Risk Management if you have a question related to insurance.



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Just a follow up on this topic. I called our council about liability for private landowners and they OFFERED to send a certificate of insurance naming the private landowner. I didn't even get a chance to ask for one. They offered to give this out to any private landowner who offered us the chance to camp on their land. Good call, Fscouter!


Now, the trick is to get that travel permit in on time every time :>



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