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Merit badge sash

Second Class

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Back in the 20s-30s, all MB were worn on the right sleeve. The latest rule was that a scout could wear UP TO 6 MB on the right (long) sleeve. However, he can wear any number on a sash. The sash should be worn properly (over the right shoulder) or not at all. Never on the belt.

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Always buy the LONGEST sash, and safety pin it up so it doesn't drag on the floor.

That 4 foot Scout with three MBs will soon be a 6 1/2 foot Scout with 28 MBs!

The short sash just don't fit easily on the 190 pound Scout, and then (someone) has to re-do the MBs (somehow, see another thread) on a bigger sash.

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It hasn't changed in 'wear regulation' but factors like comfort and cost have had its impact at the younger ranks. Sashes are more often are bought at the Star and Life ranks. Sashes can get in the way on campouts just doing the simply thing. They are saved for formal ceremonies which more Scout see when they hit the higher Star and Life rank and show up at another's Eagle Court of Honor. Cost wise parents quickly learn its an item to wait on to see if their Scout remains in Scouting hence the reason many are bought before a Eagle board of review... *smiles

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"Sashes can get in the way on campouts just doing the simply thing. They are saved for formal ceremonies which more Scout see when they hit the higher Star and Life rank and show up at another's Eagle Court of Honor."


Uh, sashes should really ONLY be worn at formal occasions, not a meetings, campouts or other activities. I find it silly when I see a scout wearing his sash at NOAC or an OA Section Conference.


Too much of a risk of loosing it, and considering the cost of merit badges, a poor chose.

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  • 4 months later...

When I joined out troop we had a "tradition" of OA guys wearing their MB sash folded over their belt over the right pants leg. At summer camp a few years back one of my Eagle Scouts was dressed down by some SM in another troop as wearing the MB sash inappropriately. Cannot find anywhere in the BSA guidelines that say this method was/wasn't legit. Anyone ever heard of this?

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Krampus: You will find NOTHING offishul about wearing the OA sash or the MB sash anywhere other than over the right shoulder. Tucked into/over the belt is a "local option" (there's that term again)/ tradition/convenience. It does seem appropriate sometimes (sort of like the Totin'Chip being pocket flap shaped, I guess).

I say wear it right or don't wear it. Roll it up in your winter coat pocket, put it on for the ceremony, roll it up again for the wide game after the meeting.


>>>Make Sure the Scout's Name is Marked on the Sash, on the Inside/Underside. <<<<<

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Krampus: You will find NOTHING offishul about wearing the OA sash or the MB sash anywhere other than over the right shoulder. Tucked into/over the belt is a "local option" (there's that term again)/ tradition/convenience. It does seem appropriate sometimes (sort of like the Totin'Chip being pocket flap shaped, I guess).

I say wear it right or don't wear it. Roll it up in your winter coat pocket, put it on for the ceremony, roll it up again for the wide game after the meeting.


>>>Make Sure the Scout's Name is Marked on the Sash, on the Inside/Underside. <<<<<

Thanks. The big issue was that the Scout could not wear the OA sash and the MB sash at the same time, so being both official BSA gear he wanted to wear both in some fashion. As it was an OA event he wore the Vigil sash and flapped the MB sash a la the way he has done since Tenderfoot. ;-) I did not see anything wrong with it, nor did I find anything in my goggling, but wanted to see if anyone else had.


I agree the MB sash should be worn for dress events. I personally don't see an issue with Arrowmen wearing thiers flapped over as long as it is done nicely (a la the old flight caps tucked in to the belt). ;-)

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One of the nearby troops is really into OA and they all seem to wear OA sashed at most formal occasions. I've been to a few of their Eagle Courts of Honor with most of their Scouts wearing their OA sash over their shoulder with their MB sashes tucked into their belts. Of course, you can't tuck-in all those MBs you earned, so the older guys with the most MBs wear their sashes hanging down past their knee. It really, really looks stupid.

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