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Thoughts on "OA Legends" patch


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At the last OA work day we had a discussion about the "OA Legends" sash back patch.

Picture here: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.gccbsa.org/ClipArt/Order%2520of%2520the%2520Arrow/Legend%2520Patch.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.gccbsa.org/Pages/CA_Order_of_the_Arrow.html&usg=__o80wuNquXiCOBSgXBR015EPbPUc=&h=4581&w=600&sz=290&hl=en&start=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=Y0k_joSPH0bGDM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=20&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dorder%2Bof%2Bthe%2Barrow%2Blegends%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1


Some seem to not be awful fond of seeing arrowmen wear these patches, what are your views on them? It seems like something I only see the older scouters wear and its few and far between. Im 18 and have one but its not sewed on i just have it as a collectible piece.


So my question is what do you think about this patch?

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Well first, I'm a little surprised that the Greater Cleveland Council has a representation of the sash back legends patch on their website since it's not an official patch of the BSA. My recollection is that it's also a private issue patch - meaning it didn't even originate with the BSA.


Next - what do you mean by what do we think of the patch? Do you mean what do we think of wearing it? That answer's simple - there is no where to wear it. The OA makes it quite clear that sash back patches are not allowed to be sewn and worn on the OA sash, and there is really nothing else that it could be worn on without looking, well....stupid. It's a long, narrow patch - wouldn't make a good back patch on a jaket, and wearing it on a sleeve would be just, well, MTVtrashy (fka Eurotrashy). Besides, why would anyone want to wear it on the back of a sash - it makes the sash hard to fold and wear on a belt or put in a pocket or backpack, and for those who know they shouldn't wear it (I give allowances for folks that don't know better because they haven't been told) it shows a certain disrespect for the Order.


Or do you mean, what do we think of it as a patch? Well, it's long, and narrow, and expensive, and for the vast majority of people, just a meaningless line of meaningless symbolism. How many people can read the patch and tell you what all the items mean? Now, I happen to have one of these patches - it was presented as a gift to me by my Chapter Chief after a particularly memorable call-out ceremony where I stood on the small, artificial lifeguard hill at a river bend water front reciting the legend to the gathered camp below me (from memory - and yes, it was a violation of ceremonial timing), with my 17-year old, theater trained, deep booming voice, while "heat" lightning flashed behind me the whole time. I can still read what it say's now - it's a great memory jogger - but I never wore it on a sash, and I would not have bought it for myself. For it's time, it was a neat looking patch - for what the times are now, it seems a bit dated.


Here's the challenge - ask anyone that is wearing the patch to use it to recite the legend - I'd be surprised if 1 out of 50 can do it - then I think the question would be "why wear a patch that one can't interpret into something meaningful"? It's like wearing a shark lodge flap from Malibu when you were born and raised in New Jersey and the closest you've been to Malibu is the car (or the Barbie) - sure, it looks cool, but what personal meaning does it have?

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I personally like the patch, but would not wear it as it is not supposed to be worn on the OA sash. Only two items are authorized for wear on the OA sash, OA 50th and OA 60th Anniversary patches. No signatures, no Legends, nada.


That said, my lodge does own a beaded Vigil sash with the Legend on it that is for the lodge chief to wear during his term of office IF a Vigil. This sash has been passed down for I don't know how long. I'm thinking 1973, as it looks like the 1973 LCs has it on in a photo on. Current LC isn't a Vigil and he can't wear it...yet. ;)

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Both CalicoPenn and Eagle92 give solid responses stating that the legend is not authorized to be worm. I am not sure why any Scout would think it is thrifty to spend money on an item that he would not be able to effectively display. But that is not for me to decide.


Calico you were going strong until you mentioned that with a sash back the sash is too hard to fold and wear on the belt. . . you know it is not authorized to be worn on the belt either, right?


Eagle if everyone knows that the wear of the sash back is not authorized why would your lodge condone it if even for the lodge chief? Simply a silly idea IMHO.


Just sayin'

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Good question, answer is I don't know. BUT I do know that at one time, pre 1970s if memory serves, you could wear temppatches all over your red jac shirt. That is not allowed anymore, but I still see A) folks doing it ( which I don't condone) and B) a few oldtimers who had those patches on prior to the rule. Since it is obvious that those patches were put on prior to the rule, I have no problem with them keeping the patches on.


So it may be a lodge tradition that the LC wears a beaded sash with the Legend that was started prior to the no patch except 50th and 60th anniversary rule. Traditions are supposed to be observed and preserved aren't they? That's why I mention it's been done for a long time, so that there may be an explanation there somewhere.


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Yep - Troop24 is right - you aren't supposed to wear your sash folded on your belt. But if you are at an event that calls for the wearing of the sash, and you become involved in something that would require you to remove the sash (say cleaning up after a dinner when wearing the sash would get in the way, or be potentially dangerous) then the most logical thing to do is fold the sash over the belt, or put it in a pocket - and putting it in a pocket also needs the sash to be folded.


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I have a copy of the patch on my "Ceremonies" sash. Our Lodge permits it as an award for Ceremonialists who have been principals on at least five occasions. I believe that the

tradition was started as a tool to get more people on our rather small ceremonies team.

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I personally like the OA Legend patch. I see few Arrowmen wearing them, and I see many Arrowmen that never wear them.


In keeping with the uniform guidelines, I do not wear the patch on the outside of my sash. But (jokingly) in silent protest of the Uniform Police, my family and I wear our OA Legend patches on the inside of the sash. On the front half and facing towards the shirt and chest.


If a fellow Scout actually came up an inspected our sashes, the patch can clearly be seen (facing towards the inside though). I can use it to help refresh new Ordeal members the story of the Legend. But because it is facing towards me, it doesn't distract from the sash and arrow itself.


Scouting Forever and Venture On!

Crew21 Adv

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I recall these in use late '70s...though unauthorized, they were tolerated (at least in the 2 lodges I was in) with good humor.


Never saw the need for them myself, but to each their own.


Re the red wool coat: there may have been a rule about the number of patches, but it certainly wasn't enforced, or groused about by uniform police, like the present...folks had alot of freedom in the number patches sewn on their coat.

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I've seen old timers and my dad wear it to events for the OA and while ive never seen anyone go up to them and complain about it I do hear grumbles, thats why I wanted to know

whats you all thought about it. It seems many dislike it.


Funny idea for wearing it on the inside lol XD

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My son (Chapter Chief) were talking about this yesterday. He says that if someone has to wear one that it should be on a jacket. This then led to a discussion on why it is that Advisors are the WORST about having unauthorized items on their sashes.

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"I think your allowed to have the 50th anniversary patch on your sash."


The Insignia Guide is clear that you are allowed to only wear the 50th and 60th Anniversary patches on the OA Sash. Sashbacks are specifically forbidden. You can wear both, btw.


"I would imagine they will make a 100th anniversary patch to replace the 50th one."


We have no idea what kind of award we'll have for the 100th anniversary. For the 75th, we had a special ribbon. We've had other ribbon awards in the last few years. So who knows.




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