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Merit Badge Sash - Adult Leader Uniform


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Didn't forget them...they were listed in my first post (the third one on this thread).


But since you have me posting again...what else could a Scout earn that he could wear on his adult uniform?


There are the devices for the knots. The youth religious knot could have four devices. The Eagle knot could have a bunch of palms. The medal of honor could have palms. And I suppose it's theoretically possible that a youth could earn the Founder's Circle and/or 1910 Society devices that can be worn on the James E. West knot.


Service stars with gold backing, green backing, brown backing and red backing can only be earned as youth but can continue to worn as an adult.


The Emergency Preparedness pin could be worn. Sea Scouts/Scouters have a long cruise badge and arc.


The Insignia Guide addresses this overall issue: "Scouters should neither seek awards designed for youth members nor wear them on the Scouter uniform except for square knots representing the Arrow of Light Award, Eagle Scout Award, Venturing Silver Award, Quartermaster Award, or religious emblems earned as a youth member."


Most all of the other awards I've listed (all but the service stars) can be earned by both youth and adults, so they are not strictly speaking just "designed for youth", and there is no real conflict.


There are lots of other awards that can be earned by both youth and adults, but they don't have their own spot on the uniform (BSA Physical Fitness, Conservation Good Turn, Good Turn for America, Leave No Trace, BSA Family, BSA Lifeguard, etc.)


I'm including any medals with the knots. The only things I've left off, so far as I know, are the retired knots (Explorer, Air Explorers, ...). And I didn't mention things worn only on the jacket or swim trunks.


But other than these 51 items, I can't think of any items that can be earned as a youth and worn on the adult uniform :-)


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The Hornaday Award is complicated. There are different levels to it, but AlFansome is correct, that appears to be one that I'd left out. I was thinking that the knot could only be earned by an adult Scouter (with at least 20 years conservation leadership!), and that Scouts earned the Hornaday badge. But Scouts can also earn the Bronze medal and/or Silver Medal, and those come with the knot.


You can check out the seven-level award matrix for yourself at http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/Awards/HornadayAwards/Awards.aspx


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IIRC there is a paragraph in the Insignia guide that proscribes articles meant solely for youth members of the program: Merit Badges and sashes, patrol patches, youth POR, and rank ... from being worn by adults.


That paragraph quickly takes the OP's, mine, and EagleSon's MB sashes all out of play as uniform items. While at 20, EagleSon is still a youth Venturer, it'd look rather wierd at this point wearing a MB sash.

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