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Merit badge sash + OA sash


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When would they be worn together? OA sashes should only be worn at OA events or during OA service. Wear them to a call out, ordeal, chapter meeting, conclave or during a OA conducted ceremony if you are a part of the ceremony team. They should not be worn to troop meetings, patrol meetings, inspections, boards of review, courts of honor, etc. The merit badge sash should be worn at formal events, courts of honor, boards of review, perhaps elections. The only occasion I can think of where they might both be worn would be at a chapter or lodge award ceremony. In that case the OA sash would be worn and the merit badge sash left at home.


Neither should be worn on the belt.

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Only one sash may be worn at any time. Contrary to what has been posted the OA Sash may be worn at a Court of Honor, although I am unable to find the source in the online guide. The OA sash may be worn for special events and ceremonies. The event does not have to be an OA event. What is forbidden is wearing the sash as part of the normal meeting uniform. I believe that this is detailed in the OA handbook and also possibly in the Guide for Officers and Advisors.

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I can't find my current OA handbook but my old one says, "The Arrow sash is worn only at Order of the Arrow functions. It is not to be worn at troop meetings or other Scout functions unless specifically requested by the lodge chief in cases where members should be indentified as rendering special service."

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"Why would anyone wear an OA sash to a non-OA event? I don't wear my Boy Scout uniform to non-Scouting events."


Why do some scouters wear all of the knots that they have earned? Personal preference! The OA Sash is a symbol of the honor that ws bestowed upon a Scout by his fellow scouts why should he not wear it with pride. Since my copy of the current OA Handbook is at home and not available I can not honestly comment further. Perhaps they have once again changed the language to what was quoted by jet.


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Jet526 did in fact accurately quote what is in the current OA Handbook.


In the 1977 copyright OA Handbook it says: "The Arrow sash is worn at Order of the Arrow functions ans special Scout functions such as courts of honor. It is not to be worn at troop meetings. This is to be done only when members need to be identified for rendering special services."


I have enquired to Naional to see if this was a simple omission in the current HB or an actual policy change. The earlier HB had 50 more pages than the current version. Some things had to be edited out.


GW I would submit that both the words and the meaning has changed if the new passage is policy.


If and when I get a response from National I will share that here.

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