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New Eagle Knot


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I certainly have not put in years of my life into scouting for a couple of fancy bits of cloth on my uniform! On the other hand, I find them valuable.


As a new parent, I knew I had a good chance of getting an answer if I asked someone with a couple knots on their shirt.


As a new leader, I was opened up to some of the ways I could help in the pack/troop.


As a veteran leader, I do have a certain amount of pride saying "been there done that" without having to say it.


As a leader recruiting others, it helps for them to see that others have put in time, and to see that (in general) the more knots on someone's uniform, the more FUN they seem to have!


I find it funny that some people hate 'em, some love 'em. The most ironic to me is the James E West. Some people think wearing it is showing off (the "buy a knot"). I on the other hand wouldn't even know the endowment existed if I hadn't asked someone about the knot. If I can ever kick in the cash, I will. Not for the knot, but for the cause. And I will wear the knot. Not to show off, but to lead others to contribute as well.

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I already have enough of these new knots on order for all my uniforms. Back in the 1990s I paid to be a Life member. I also have 3 pocket dangles (one for each uniform) and wear them. So, I want to encourage others to contribute to Eagle Scout Scholarships.


Also, yes there is enough information on the NESA website to contact the officials at National. I did it. In fac tI visited them personall three weeks ago.


I was also told that even if you don't buy the contact book they are putting together, NESA has already netted $100K on that project.

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