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From sports to scouts - Quick change!


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I sorta see your point, the question I have it how long will this last? Football season lasts until mid-November, perhaps a few weeks more if the team is involved in a state tournament. Anyway, the season will be over by December, if the scout starts attending on time and in uniform from then until next football season, I dont see a problem. The issue I see is when Football season morphs into Basketball morphs into baseball and the scout is always late, then I agree with your questioning if scouting is worthwhile, but for a few months? I think the program can handle it

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I submit this is a valid point: Even TWO activities, at the 9-12 grade levels, will cause conflict. For that matter, even one activity beyond classwork will cause conflict.


Yes, I agree on the "too many" syndrome many families used. We chose Scouting for EagleSon early on. He had that, he had youth choir (second grade and up) at church, and he had pre-teen youth at church.


EVEN WHEN EagleSon was a Cub, we hit scheduling conflict. Church choirs meet in our neck of the woods on Thursday. Guess what happens every 4th Thursday in our neck of the woods? PACK MEETING.


Pre-teen youth church field trips on Saturdays conflicted with campouts when he was 11 and 12. Confirmation, including mandatory retreats, conflicted with Troop campouts when he was 13-15.


This past summer was the National Youth Gathering for our denomination in Orlando. It was the same week as HS in-house band camp (a GRADED activity, it was after the "on-curriculum" date for our District). Guess what fell off the charts? It wasn''t the high school band camp.


EagleSon was a camp staffer for a second season at one of our Great Boy Scout Reservations. For the second year, to do his job and to meet his own academic enrichment needs, I had to send him provisional with another Troop if he wanted Scout Camp at all (and in Mic-o-Say land, you WANT to go to Scout Camp! :) ).


No. Even one activity will cause families scheduling conflicts. Two guarantees it, and guarantees prioritization of activities: Ours became:


1) School/curricular in nature.

2) God/Church.

3) Scouting.


Since OGE has posted since I started writing this, I have to agree with him. As young men and women go through HS, they will have to learn to manage their time. I''d rather have Scouts and Venturers get to the meeting, even in someone elses'' uniform, than have them leave Scouting!

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Hmmm... many of you have posted the very reason we see so 14 and 15 year olds rushing to get their Eagle...


Kids need to try different activities to see what they really enjoy. I wouldn''t think of denying my son the opportunity to try playing a JV sport just because of Scouts, and making him choose between the two will only cause resentment. So... we juggle as best we can for the eight weeks or so that the season lasts. Scouts will still be there for the other ten months out of the year.

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