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As an adult, what do you REALLY wear?


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Yah, alright now all yeh scouter lads and lasses. Time to admit it. What do yeh really wear on outings, at camp, to meetings, and for formal occasions? What uniform pieces do yeh use all the time? Which do you dispense with entirely? Do yeh have any "customized features" or fun (but unauthorized) patches?


No fair gettin' down on anybody for being honest and sharin' now! A Scout is Courteous. And we all have to be honest too, eh? A Scout is Trustworthy.




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mea culpa! Until the BSA came out with the switchbacks I would substitute look-a-like shorts for the official BSA issue. Up until three years ago I did not own any "real" BSA pants either. It took our Troop's big 50th anniversary shindig to get me to purchase and wear them.


Since I bought my switchbacks I have not had to resort to the imitations once.


As for the shirt I wear the class "A" with only BSA approved patches for an adult. We do have some other adult leaders who wear our "Old Goat Patrol" patch. As for the neckercheif I wear it for all formal events, atop the collar, such as Family Night or Courts of Honor. Heck I even break out my campaign hat for those occasions!


It would be unfair of me to dress one way but expect the scouts to dress another.

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As a scout, I wore the approved uniform (CS, BS, Exp) without fail. As an adult Cub Scouter, i wore the shirt with blue jeans, which was the Pack custom. As a Boy Scouter, I continued to wear the shirt and blue jeans for field wear, and the official pants for "formal" wear.

When I went on District Committee (Training), I wore nothing but the complete, approved field uniform, to set a good example.

Now, as a mere unit scouter again, I usually attend troop meetings in my civilian clothes, since I usually go straight from work. When I do wear a uniform, it is correct and complete.

I don't wear any insignia or patches that are not approved and I did not earn.


One thing to consider...in B-P's time things were different. Often, the Scout uniform was the best clothes a boy had and he was proud to be able to wear clothes that were clean, untattered and unpatched. It was even cooler to look just like an Army soldier. As my Dad used to say when I asked him why he always got up at 5 am when he didn't have to, "because when I was a kid, the first one up got to wear the shoes to school!" (he was one of 5 kids)


Nowadays, most boys get whatever they want, so if they have a choice, it won't be a dorky scout uniform.

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Since I want to be a Scouter, I wear the Scouter uniform. (That's not gettin' "down" on anyone, is it Beavah?). If I ever made the Atlanta Braves team, I would wear their uniform. If I were a police officer, I would wear their uniform. Anyone seeing a pattern here?


What I wear for all uniformed Scouting events (Scout's Honor):

Official uniform shirt, short-sleeve, with the correct patches. Wood Badge beads (I recently received my third bead, and the SM/CD made them from wood he saved from our Council Gilwell Field, when it was cleared and created 25 years ago)

I have Scout shorts, Scout long pants and the new Switchbacks - the weather usually dictates which I wear.

Scout socks - I don't wear the knee socks, I have started wearing the Scout Thorlo hiking socks, hoping the color will last longer. Brown leather hiking boots, most of the time.

I wear my Wood Badge Staff belt and buckle, with a leather WB knife holder. The knife is our traditional Marlin Spike, with red/green cord, in round barber pole braid, attached. For formal or Council occasions, I wear the WB neckerchief.

If the event calls for an Activity Uniform, I wear the above but swap out a t-shirt for the Scout shirt.

If there is a uniformed Scouting event, this is just what I automatically put on. I don't even think about it - I just throw it on. See how easy that is? No decisions about "do I wear the khakis or the blue jeans?"


You have to wear something, why not wear the correct uniform? Are our egos really too big, or are we too proud to wear it?


Around here, if you ever want to staff a WB course, you wear the complete, correct uniform.


And Beavah, nothing looks sillier or sloppier to me than a well "rounded" Scouter wearing a Scout shirt and blue jeans. I do cut the women some slack, because they often have a very hard time finding anything in the Scout Shop that fits them at all.


From the Insignia Guide, Official Policy, Personal commitment:

"The leaders of Scouting - both volunteer and professional - promote the wearing of the correct complete uniform on all suitable occasions."

Wearing different pants would not be promoting the correct complete uniform.

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As a cub leader for my first couple of years I just wore the shirt with "civilian" pants. Not being much of a uniform person, that was as far as I was willing to go, and honestly it was further than a lot of pack leaders. Very, very few people I knew in cub scouting wore the full uniform. Most packs and about half the troops in this area set the "shirts and hats" as the standard, and very few are in a position to turn away volunteers over something as small as what socks they're wearing.


Then in 2003 I went to WB...had to buy the whole darn thing... (grumble)...


I'm still not real excited about uniforming and I don't like some aspects of the standard BSA uniform (like, most of it). But at WB I met many truly wonderful individuals whose dedication to serving youth inspires me still. I came to appreciate the views of those who place greater store in the uniform than I, myself, do. And so now, out of respect to them as much as anything else, I do wear the full uniform, right down to the "brass on brass" and the socks. About those socks - I like the Thorlo ones much better, although they're expensive.


After WB I began wearing the full uniform to my cub den and pack meetings. These days I wear it to all troop meetings. My son's troop travels in uniform so when I go places with them, I wear it too. When I attend training or RT, I wear it.


When I don't wear it: to committee meetings (I'm usually coming straight from work anyway), and while camping most of the time (it isn't practical for everyday outdoor wear).


The one (sort of guilty) transgression I've made? I bought my son a couple pairs of decent wool winter socks that are not BSA although they're a very close substitute. They have the advantages of a) fitting him properly even with liners underneath them and b) being warmer than the scout socks (even the wool ones) and c) being cheaper - that boy grows like there's no tomorrow and wool socks are expensive. Since his troop travels to and from camp in full uniform, having warm socks that he'll actually wear and use for a while is a sacrifice I'm willing to look the other way for. But as for me, I wear the "real deal" and just suffer if my toes are cold on Friday night and Sunday morning.

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Yah, BA, the point was to make the thread free of preachin', eh? ;) Otherwise we really won't get an honest response from everybody. Lettin' people hear different ways of workin' gives 'em ideas, eh?


Me, as a Commish, I'd always try to wear the uniform in the way the unit I was visitin' did. Seemed like the courteous approach. I'll confess, though, I've never done uniform shirt with blue jeans. Gotta agree with yeh there, BA.


Never wore the old shorts. Gawd they were awful, even when they first came out! Had a bunch of the old pants over the years, and wore 'em a fair bit. Had a lot of seam problems if they were used too actively. In more recent years, I often substituted look-alikes that fit better and wore better, especially on outings. Like the new switchbacks and now wear 'em a lot on outings and to "regular" meetings, but still use the cotton look-alikes for some occasions. They behave better for semi-formal events. With Venturing green, I confess I only wear look-alike greys. Wear a scout web belt, brass-on-brass, with the greens. Wear a southwest-style belt with a Philmont buckle with the greys. Prefer the BSA Thorlo green socks.


Been experimentin' with patches on the new activity shirts. Mixed results. But I like the switchbacks with the activity shirts or a similar look-alike (without patches), and colored tabs.


Have a few different "official" shirts. One tan with Boy Scoutin' stuff, one green with Venturing stuff, one tan with district stuff, one tan with council/up stuff. A couple shirts have velcro in a few spots so I can hot-swap patches. Keep 'em in my left pocket along with swappable color tabs. I'll admit to a few personal and/or humorous patches here and there. Keep the knots program-specific and minimal, but I do have a pin with da full knot set on it just for dealin' with them that care about such things :p. Can't recall that I've ever worn any of the medals.


Usually only wear the one, special, full-and-proper sized necker made by Mrs. Beavah, with a hand-carved slide that was a gift.


Yah, and of course the mandatory old-timer's red jac-shirt, eh ;). Mine's a look-alike, gift from a scoutin' family. Only international event patches. Then there's the other adult uniform, blue-blazer thing.


Way too much scoutin' clothing, eh?



(This message has been edited by Beavah)

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Troop meetings, activities, outings, district events and meetings, Field Uniform: (shirt, pants or shorts, green or leather belt w/ axe in log buckle, socks, running shoes or combat boots, only approved patches/awards, beads, WB neckerchief at WB functions)


Campouts: Field uniform to travel, in camp, while hiking, etc. If it's raining, I may go to troop t-shirt or gray or brown Army T-shirt with pants or shorts.


Troop committee meetings: civilian clothes.



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Ok, I'll add to this.


As I am in Venturing, I have 2 different styles of gray shorts (2-3 of each on) that I wear at scouting events. All my green shirts are pretty much the same in that they have the same knots and other patches on them. I transfer to whatever shirt I am wearing my OA flap and pinned items, including my name tag..


I always wear my WB beads with the uniform shirt.


At events in which a full uniform is expected, I will be in it. When 'class b' is ok, the uniform shirt comes off. I always have a scouting t-shirt underneath. If I know I won't be needing a full uniform, I may wear a scouting polo instead.


I always wear a scouting belt (usually my philmont leather belt) and my gray venturing socks. Will wear a hat (always scouting related, either OA or Venturing) as needed. If I'm at an event were its better I have long pants, I have a couple of pairs of charcoal gray pants for that.


I don't care for neckerchiefs, so don't wear them. Exception is the WB one IF I have to wear it.


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As a UC, I feel we should set the example for other Scouters, so I wear a full uniform to every Scout function (including a tie of some sort, usually a bolo or my WB beads, but sometimes with my WB necker & woggle, if a formal ocassion). I usually wear my Commissioner cap if I'm performing a UC or other district function.


On campouts, I wear the full uniform including shorts & green sox; I never take my WB beads on a campout (did once and lost them). I wear the trooop hat on campouts.


The boys in my troop kid me because I'm always in full uniform (including trips to and from a campout); but the troop meeting after a campout, we are allowed to wear Class Bs, so I wear my troop t-shirt, but still wear the official shorts or long pants.


I have the zip-offs, but they are too long for me, so I wear them as shorts only, not as long pants.


Sometimes, when I know I have a Scout meeting after work and won't have time to go home and change, I'll wear my BSA red activity shirt (with the FDL over the left breast) and olive drab khakis, or I'll take my uniform with me and change at the office before going.


But I almost never go to a Scout function in "civvies" unless specifically requested (e.g., at the annual district Christmas party where wine or beer is served, and then with no youth present).


I have been known to attend committee meetings in civvies, but if going as a UC, I'll be in uniform.

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As a Roundtable Commissioner, I try my best to set the proper example:

socks, pants, shirt. Patches in the right place.


But for fun, on the short sleeve uniform I have "Overtrained" rather then the "Trained" strip.


On outings it's a pair of green army surplus pants I wear due to the wear and tear needed at district events and a lack of $$$ on my part to be able to afford the new switchbacks. Though I may be forced to come up with the $$$ from someplace soon as my uniform pants are showing their age--I replaced the zipper last year--did the sewing myself.

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As a SM/ASM, I have always worn the full uniform for all occasions. I have a few scout t-shirts but only wear them at home. I do take off the uniform to take the annual swim test, but I have gone swimming in my full uniform on canoe trips when I've been knocked out of the canoe or needed to jump in to rescue scouts. I own four shirts, two pants, two shorts. One set is worn and a few descrete mendings the other is reserved for formal occasions. I normally wear my WB scarf/beads instead of the troop neckerchief, always over the collar. Web belt for less formal/camping and the leather belt for formal occasions. I wear the expedition hat for less formal/camping and campaign hat otherwise. The only time I wore a scout t-shirt is at Philmont when the crew requested we all look the same.


As a venturing advisor I wear full venturing uniform for formal occasions and complete Civil War uniform (either side) for activities. As an officer, it includes side-arm and sword, as NCO or private, it includes rifle-musket and bayonet. The uniform is heavy wool and with enough water it's not too bad.


I put the uniform on at home and take it off when I get back.


The only unauthorized part of my uniform is my WB patrol patch I wear on my right sleeve and an historic collar pin for SM or ASM. That usually gets covered over with the neckerchief. Occasionally I wear an historic 20 year lapel pin on the flap of my left pocket.



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Yah, alright now all yeh scouter lads and lasses. Time to admit it. What do yeh really wear on outings, at camp, ...


When I am "on contract" in some form of Commissioner work, I wear the designated Class B uniform (BSA shorts, green sox, any BSA belt, staff T-shirt, OA Coup Thong, Mic-o-Say coup thong, WB beads and a khaki boonie hat.


When I am working the kitchen at an OA function, I wear khaki pants or Philmont shorts, a T-shirt, and my neckwear goes on a hook in the kitchen.


I will not wear BSA Class A in the field unless there is a designated event at the camp.


to meetings,


Troop meetings, usually complete class A less a neckerchief.


RT, where I am a staffer, I wear a B/A combination. While I am doing setup and tear down, my shirt is on a hanger somewhere, along with my neckwear, and I wear a T-shirt. When it's time for meeting, I put on the shirt. WB necker I only wear when someone is getting beaded or some other formal occasion.


and for formal occasions?


District Dinner? Council Annual meeting? Coat, tie, and OA/MOS coup thongs.


What uniform pieces do yeh use all the time?


Which do you dispense with entirely?

web belts, (prefer Philmont nylon or hand-tooled leather), Venturing pants (Cabelas), Venturing sox (Cabelas or REI grey wool).


Do yeh have any "customized features" or fun (but unauthorized) patches?

My Venturing shirt has the Lodge Flap of my Ordeal Lodge, Walika #228. It merged out back in 1973.


BTW, picked up Eagle Son from school today, where he started his senior year. He was in Camp Staff Class B uniform, less his OA/MOS/COD coup thongs. Since he's a Venturer, he's permitted greay shorts. Like me, he does Cabelas.

(This message has been edited by John-in-KC)

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To meetings, parlor shirt and switchbacks. No BSA socks. No scarf. No hat. COHs and OA events I might throw on my OA sash. I don't ornament my parlor shirt with patches. Really bugs me to see some adult Christmas trees.


Campouts, I wear the parlor shirt while traveling but switch to a practical shirt at camp. Usually something like a polypro shirt with a stencil from Northern Tiers or Philmont but always BSA themed. Switchbacks stay on until they get too dirty for me which is pretty hard to achieve.


Before the switchbacks, never would have worn BSA pants. Because I never owned a pair of the originals. Culture in my unit was nobody wore the BSA pants until the switchbacks came out. Now about 50% wear them.



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