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: Polyester/Wool


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Talking with OJ about what he wants for Christmas. He informs me that he needs (yes needs!) a Polyester/Wool uniform.

While I think the pants at $59.55 are expensive, I suppose I can live with it, but $50.55 for a shirt?

It seems that this need is due to the fact that he wants to run for a Regional OA Office and I'm informed that Polyester/Wool uniforming is the norm.

$100.00 isn't going to break the bank, but I'm not sure I have it in me to spend over fifty bucks for a shirt.

Add to all of this the fact that as his only real (Registered ) position is a Sea Scout and the Ship wears the Sea Scout uniforms, I'm not sure if he should wear a Boy Scout shirt.

I know that the OA is a Boy Scout program, but he is 18 and not connected to a Troop.

Heck, I think $32.45 for a shirt is too much!!

Am I just being cheap?


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Use a little reverse logic...if I were a registered Boy Scout, but liked the Sea Scout uniform better, would it be appropriate for me to buy one and wear it for OA purposes?


Seems to me if he's not a registered Boy Scout, then he's not entitled to wear the uniform of that program.


OTOH, I'd rather spend the money on that than some of the other things he COULD be asking for!

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Well, does the uniform guide permit the OA sash/lodge flap to be worn as articles of the Sea Scout uniform?


Does the uniform guide permit gold tabs and a Regional/National patch on the Sea Scout youth program Class A uniform?


Eamonn, I think your son is doing a fantastic, pragmatic job of slicing the pie just right. Break down and spend the money. It's HIS Christmas, after all...

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Some comments:


I agree to a degree with scoutldr. If he's only a Sea Scout, he should be wearing the Sea Scout uniform. I can tell you that's the Regional & National Boatswains do.


John-in-KC makes a good point. I do see on occasion Sea scouts & sea scout leaders wear the flap & sash, but the rules say no. Also, there is no way he can wear the gold loops or regional committee patch. Now, that said, if he was to be elected Region Chief, I guess it would be ok to wear the tan shirt with these items, because the tan BSA uniform is a 'universal' uniform for those above the unit level.


The use of Polyester/wool is popular amoung the National/region OA youth, but is in no way a requirements. I know of many of the adults at those levels who do NOT wear P/W.


So my advise? IF he gets elected to Regional Office, at that time you all can make the decision to get the poly/wool. Until then, I wouldn't waste the money.



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I will not say you are being cheap.


Let's rethink this.


Your son, when asked what he wants as a Christmas gift picked what he sees as a way to help him excell in a wholesome activty.

This says to me that he will stay involved with this activity as he goes onto college and after.


If he was involved in Key Club or some other org that required him to dress in a suit and tie and he asked that his gift be a suit and tie that was a little better quality/price than one might normally purchase would you still have question?

I know a suit can be worn to other occasions. But, do you see my point. I think he sees this as putting his best foot forward.


As a young Marine I purchase a poly/wool uniform shirt for around $35 dollars. That was a lot of money then, did I need it?

No, I already had 3 issued cotton shirts that were serviceable.

I think I got alot more for my money than those guys that drank $35 away that weekend.


He could have said, "I want "grand Theft Auto version 2.0 with the fully auto weapons version".

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I'm with uz2bnowl. It's very hard to tell someone else what will really make them happy. Your son has told you something that is important to him - and it's for an activity you fully support. Sounds like a pretty good deal. Enjoy him and encourage him while you can.


If your uniform police conscience continues to nag at you, go ahead and register him as something - merit badge counselor, ASM, whatever - and make him legal. But it doesn't seem necessary to me - being active in OA seems like enough of a reason to wear the uniform.


Oak Tree

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