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awsome court of honor, only 2 neckerchiefs worn!


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Well, a few "old timers" will flame the heck of this post, but Sunday night our troop had a court of honor that was awesome. Every scout there had at least one rank advancement except the few eagles that were there. Mostly our newer scouts getting to 1st class, along with merit badges and other recognitions, etc.


I have never, ever, once shared my views on the uniform or any of my thoughts on scouting with any parent or boy in my troop. I have posted them here, but the kids and parent have never been told about my website or anything, at least yet.


The interesting thing is that half way through the program I noticed that only 2 boys were wearing their kneckerchief and only 2 of the adult leaders were also! Most had their full scout shirt on but the kids, individually, had elected not to wear the scarf. I asked one, out of earshot from the others, why he had not worn his, and he said it "looks too dorky.." Perhaps we should update the uniform based, in part, from input from the kids. That would be a novel approach!

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"Someone will surely correct me if I'm wrong, but Neckers are optional. Choice of neckwear and headwear is a troop decision. But once decided, all should wear the same thing."


You are correct, which is why 'brianbuf's comments are a bit wrong headed.


The troop decided what will be their neckerchief. Or not even have one. Same for the hat. When I was a scout, it was the generic navy blue one, but even then it was quickly falling out of favor (and this was when the scout uniforms had no collars). We created a unique troop neckerchief, but it was rarely used (I saved mine). I myself moved to wearing bolo ties with the open collared shirts. From that point on I only worn neckerchiefs when I had to (Jamboree or WB). In my area, neckerchiefs are fairly rare, but if worn, its usually because of personal choice. Yes, some kids DO like to wear them. I ususally see them wearing them at OA events or council eagle banquets and the like.

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Saw reply recently regarding uniforming that hit home with me.


Adult leader asked parent if thier boys play sports. Parent said that did. Leader asked if the boy what would happen if he did not wear his sport uniform pants to a scheduled game. Parent replies the coach would be furious and not allow the boy to play. Leader replied, why it is any different with the scout uniform?


Neckerchiefs are a historic part of the uniform. There are a internationally recognized symbol of scouting. Many people don't like them for a variety of reasons. Orginally they were full squares and were folded into a triangle and then rolled. I remember working hard to get the two points to match up when folded. They were a working part of the uniform. There use was taught as part of the first aid requirements through all the ranks. They were also a number of other uses for signalling, etc.


As already mentioned, if a troop decides to wear a neckerchief as part of the uniform, then all should wear it. If they don't wear it, they are out of uniform for that troop. Troops can decide to not have a neckerchief or wear a bolo. The boys decide as a troop.

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It appears that you have 2 scouts and 2 leaders who like to wear the neckerchief and enjoy the "traditional" scout look. The necker is a matter of personal preference. As a leader, I like to wear mine. It's a traditional identifying mark of a the scout uniform that appeals to me. I'm clearly in the minority but that's okay. I never receive a negative remark from other leaders or scouts about it.


I'm glad you're in a unit where you are comfortable and the custom is not to wear the necker. It does seem odd that you place so much emphasis on an optional piece of the uniform.



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Am I a uniform Nazi?


I know, uniforms are not required. "The uniform" is one of the eight methods of Scouting. Neckwear is a unit option (for Boy Scouts) not an individual option. For a board of review, the Scout should wear as best he can the uniform of his unit.


Okay, the above are facts and even though I may get some argument on the above I'm not interested in discussing the above.


In our unit, the boys have made the decision to wear a black neckerchief with our troop logo embroidered on it. At last nights meeting one adult (me) out of 8 Scouters (SM, 2 SAs, 5 CMs) and four youth (out of 22) wore their neckerchief. None of the committee members wore any part of their uniform. Only two CMs even have a uniform (CC and Advancement Chair)! One of the Scouts had his BOR for Life. He passed with flying colors (according to the board) but did not wear his neckerchief (he did have on a Scout bolo).


Why oh why I ask does this occur? When I present crossing-over Webelos with their troop neckerchief they are very proud to wear it. About a year later, it disappears. With my sons it is a constant battle to get them to wear their neckerchiefs and troop hats. Last night my wife, who chairs the BORs told me she didn't have time to change into her uniform (she had over 12 hours as far as I can tell!). I rushed home from work, skipped dinner and threw on my uniform in less than five minutes. What am I missing here? Why such reluctance, especially from adults who have been trained and signed an application to "deliver the program" to actually deliver the program they signed up to do?

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As has been noted by others, neckers are optional at the Troop level and the boys in the Troop are the ones who make the decision about weather or not neckers are a part of the Troop uniform.


Now since only 2 youth & 2 adults were wearing neckers (you never said how many were NOT), that could mean either of two things -


1) Most of the boys in the Troop do not like wearing neckers & have voted to NOT have them as part of the Troop uniform, but 4 folks really like them & so wear them anyway.


2) Sometime in the past, the boys decided they liked neckers & voted to wear them as part of the Troop's uniform. Now, however, most of the boys & adults do not like to wear neckers.


Brian, you say this is YOUR TROOP. If that is true, then YOU should KNOW which senerio is correct.


If it is #1 - In this case I do not see a need for the Troop (or BSA) to make any changes to the necker or the uniform. However, the 2 youth & 2 adults should NOT have been wearing their neckers to the COH as it is NOT part of the Troop's uniform.


If it is #2 - In this case only 4 people in the Troop are wearing what the BOYS DECIDED should be the Troop uniform. The non-necker wearing folks should have been wearing their neckers to the COH. This issue should be addressed at the next PLC. Maybe the boys should take another vote & change the necker option for the Troop uniform.


Instead of crying that the sky is falling, you should be more aware of what is going on in your own Troop.


BTW - You have said that you are a VENTURING leader, not a leader in a BS Troop. Are you a member of both a Crew (who do not have any uniform at all and are STILL losing members according to you) & a Troop?

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Interesting...Neckerchiefs in question. While attending the troops PLC last night I heard our Scouts views on neckerchiefs. What they expressed was they prefered to only wear them as a manditory wear item for Courts of Honor, inspections and parades. They further decided that any Scout in their troop can wear his neckerchief while in uniform if he wants to.


They also expressed interest in adopting bolo ties, but will get more input from troop and patrol members before making policy on it.


Oh...BrianBuf, you posed the question in another thread about a uniform a Scout would wear to school. Well, my son got his new "Switchbacks" scout pants yesterday, he wore them to the troop meeting and got LOTS of positive comments from his fellow scouts. He also wore the same pants to school today. Granted he did NOT wear the uniform shirt and other parts of the full uniform...but he likes the pants enough to wear them as they are in his words "cool". My son is 2 months shy of his 15th birthday and is a freshman in high school.

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