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PLC Uniforms


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Yes and yes.


That's usually the best way to get the ball rolling.

Just show up in uniform. They will ask why. Just tell them that you believe that scouts wear the uniform to scout meetings and that this is a scout meeting. You are all still scouts even though the rest of the troop isn't looking.


I wouldn't make up any rule or make any grand announcement. They ask a question and you answer. If they ask is it required ask them what they think about it. Let the discussion run for a couple of minutes and then get the PLC meeting underway.


Next PLC meeting I'll bet more of them are wearing the uniform and after a while they all will without you dropping the hammer.

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  • 4 months later...

I would take my Scoutmaster Handbook to the meeting and read them this from it.

"A boy scout is not required to have a uniform to be a Boy Scout. However, troop leaders should set a good example by wearing the uniform themselves and by encouraging each scout to acquire and wear a uniform."

This is within the Uniform and Insignia Chapter 15 Trailhead.


So if you require scouts to wear uniforms to be a member, you are not following the BSA way.


Almost everyone at the PLC meeting is a leader, correct?


I would take this a step farther and if the SPL ASPL, PL, TG, etc. is not wearing the uniform, I would discuss this with him and if he was not willing to wear the uniform I would remove him from the leadership position.

This way I am allowing him to remain in scouts without a uniform.


Does the Scoutmaster wear his uniform the PLC meeting along with other adult leaders?


Also I would suggest to the SPL to allow the activity uniform as an option during hot days or special occasions.

(This message has been edited by dan)

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If a Boy Scout is not required to have a uniform then whay all the fuss about uniforms? Does this also mean a District Advancement Committee can't require an Eagle candidate to where a uniform to an Eagle BOR?


Hmmm ...........................


Ed Mori


Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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I feel the uniform should be required. I can understand not wanting to put a financial burden on anyone but what is the difference between a sports team requiring a uniform (which is usually more expensive) and the BSA requiring one.


Until there is a National policy that states uniforms are required district advanvement committees can't require them at Eagle BOR's.


In my Troop, I do require all Scouts to have uniforms. I only require my SPL, ASPL & PL's to wear them at all times. The rest of the Troop is required to wear their Class B Troop 1 shirts.


Ed Mori


Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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It is not required, but did the BSA not give us the tools to have the scouts wear the uniform? Meaning the leadership topic from the Scoutmaster handbook? Or am I trying to put adult leadership against scouts?

As far as an Eagle without a uniform could you not say as Eagle is suppose to be a leader, so he should be in a uniform to be a leader?


Ed, Ed, do you not mean activity uniform! ;)



I really would like to hear your thoughts on my post (I like the scout side of the story!)

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The BSA uniform has three forms: The Dress Uniform, The Field Uniform and the Activity Uniform.


The Dress Uniform consists of a blue blazer, white shirt, grey pants, red, white and blue tie, Scout emblem on left pocket. (illustrated in the Insignia Guide, page 47.)


The field uniform consists of the the BSA tan shirt, BSA olive pants or shorts, offical belt and socks (as illustrated in the offical catalog). Neckerchief and hat as chosen by unit. For formal ocassions (such as a Court of Honor, Eagle Court of Honor, Council Recognition Dinner, etc.) the Scout must add their merit badge sash. Any earned medals can also be worn at a formal occassion.


The activity uniform consists of a scout related T-shirt(such as a troop T-shirt or red activity shirt in the catalog), BSA olive pants of shorts, official belt and socks.

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