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Need help finding used 6X shirt


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We have a new scout, entering scouting at age 16 with a high degree of interest, who needs a uniform shirt in a size 6X. His younger brother has also joined, so the parents are hit with a double whammy on uniforming them, but they are doing their best to get the kids dressed.


If anyone has a shirt in this size range that you would be willing to donate or sell for a reasonable cost, please contact me! And please spread the word among Scouters.


Thanks in advance - Julia

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There is a 4X shirt on ebay, currently at $14.49. That is neck of 20-20 1/2. Of course he doesn't have to button the collar, as long as the rest of it fits.



Is it possible for this young man to go try on a shirt at the Scout Shop? Then everyone would know for sure what size he needs.


Looking on the BSA website, a Youth 2X shirt is for chest of 38-40 inches. It only gives men's sizes in collar size. His 4-H t-shirt may be loose fitting, most boys want their t-shirts too big.


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THANKS sctmom! I'm now in the fray over at ebay but would have missed it without your alert because the title said CUB scout shirt 6x, so I hadn't even opened the picture. Now everyone just cross your fingers for me that the other bidder's last names aren't Rockefeller....



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Thanks to sctmom's alert, my scout will shortly be the proud owner of a genuine Boy Scout uniform shirt that will hopefully fit him or at least be close enough where a little tailoring will do it.


thanks to everyone that chipped in to this discussion.



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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, all you scouters that are so dragged-down by high-school age boys that act like wearing the uniform is like putting on prison garb .... we just gave our king-sized scout his new shirt at the last meeting. He put it on, slowly, hesitantly, a little afraid - and began to button it. As it became clear that he WOULD be able to button it and there was plenty of room (if anything, it's a little big), his face lit up with a blinding smile as he said "Wow! It fits! I can march in the parade now, and look like a REAL SCOUT! Thanks a million!"


Being able to wear what the other boys wear means a lot more to some kids than others....


Thanks to all that chipped in suggestions.




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Let me wipe away the tears in my eyes. I'm so happy Julia. I was wondering if he got the shirt yet and saw your post. I've been watching ebay for some scout pants for my son and I've yet to see another 6X shirt since then. More than coincedence?


Take some good pictures at that parade, because it sounds like a few new scouts will be standing tall and proud.




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