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OK to freely distribute Kahunas Katalogs??


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Yes, written works are copyrighted, even if you don't register them. Registering them makes them easier to defend.


But, the idea is not really about copyright here. I have no interest in infringing on anyone's copyrights. I just want the great katalogs to be available.


The idea is whether or not the people who hold the copyright now care if the item is published freely. Since they haven't done anything with the katalogs in quite a few years, and aftermarket copies sell for many $'s, there is clearly a need. If they would republish the katalogs we would all be happy to buy them. I would buy them even though I have great copies.


If they don't want to republish the katalogs, and they are ok with me putting them out for free, I'll give them out for free. In either case the great legacy of Kahuna's Katalogs will be extended.


So, have no fear, copyrights are being respected.



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Yes, I think that when I created a copy for myself I may have violated the copyright. Fortunately, since there was no way to purchase one, the copyright owner didn't suffer much measurable damage.


On the other hand, the US Copyright laws in sections 17 U.S.C. 106 and 17 U.S.C. 106A, do provide for a fair use exemption for "research", and one of the guidelines for fair use is "the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work" so maybe I am within fair use guidelines.


Since I'm only collecting handbooks for my own non-profit "research" I don't really have a feeling of guilt. Again, I would still purchase an original edition if it was available.



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  • 2 months later...

I don't mind you mentioning it to him, but I really don't have any interest in harrassing them if they aren't interested in making the Katalogs public. If they haven't decided, or aren't sure, that's fine with me too. I do not really want to bother them.


My offer was really only because it would be easy to make them public for free and help out the collecting community, but I have no vested interest. I have my copy (which I use nearly every day building my collection), so I'm happy. If they ever want to sell new copies, I'll buy one of each from them.




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