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rec'd patches as gift, what to send in return?


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I recently received a couple of patches from a camp director as a gift. They're not vintage or anything and probably not worth a whole lot, but he went out of his way to get a couple of extras into my hands and I really appreciate it - he doesn't know me from Adam and just overheard me mention something about it. 5 minutes later I had patches in my hands. I'd like to send him a patch or two in return, as a small thank you. I really haven't got a collection though and he's been involved in scouting for a much longer time than I have. I'm trying to figure out what I could lay my hands on that he might appreciate? Here's what I have thought of, and I'd appreciate your response.


1. Well I could send him a CSP from my council but those aren't hard to come by in our area (he is from a neighboring council) and he probably has as many as he could ever want.

2. I have a couple of CSPs from councils in other parts of the country. I don't think they're particularly unusual but at least they're not local and he might not have them already.

3. I have one or two camp patches from two camps that (sadly) no longer exist as BSA camps. They're not mint but they're in what I would consider very good condition anyway. I also have neckerchief slides, older than I am (with the year on it), from these camps. I have a family history tied up with these former camps so they mean something to me but I don't know if they would to anybody else.


Well I'll appreciate your feedback - and thanks.



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A Camp Director (especially if he's still at camp) would appreciate a "care package" of homemade brownies or cookies. You're right about the patches...he probably has all he needs, but a gift for the stomach would please anyone. (I speak from experience!)

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