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No women allowed - is this usual?


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Talk about throwing gasoline on a campfire...

Here I go again.


Not only does our troop have FEMALE troop leaders

One of them is going for the Wood Badge.


We have married couples who are adult leaders that do not even

have boys in our troop assist on our troop's camp outs.


If I heard a Scoutmaster talking down about women and trying to exclude them on activities, I would wonder about what goes on at these activities that is "inappropriate" to women.


There are child protection issues that may be involved.

Boy Scouts as I recall does not tolerate "homosexual or diviant behavior" in any way.


If I were a parent of any child I would want to be INCLUDED in any of my childs activities, not just for the fun but also to be aware of who, what, where, and when any other adult has access to my child. All it takes is one bad apple...

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  • 9 months later...

Okay, so I am late to this tread, but.... not only do I go on the camp outs with the boys, they are disappointed when I don't go. You see I took my family on the DR. Phil show because all we ever did was scouting. DOn't get me wrong, I love scouting... hey I'm currently taking Wood badge!!! But on the one weekend a month that we weren't scouting, they wanted to veg at home so ALL we did was scouting. Sinced that time all the boys make sure I have a fun time at all scout events. They often tease my husband (the SM) that he'd better be ready to take me on dates on the off nights!


We have a few troops in our council that are no women troops. I wish that the council would do something about it but I can only work from with in the system ... hummmm that could be a diversity ticket!!!

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Here's a twist. What if the boys in the troop prefer not to have women go on their outings?


When my oldest son was looking for troops, one had a "no women" type policy. Talking with the Scoutmaster he made it clear that if having women on the outings made any of the boys uneasy he would not hesitate to ban women from the outings. Does this violate the "open" meetings and events clause?


Anyway, my son decided not to join that troop (that wasn't the reason).

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What if they didn't want the kid with behavior issues to attend? What about the obnoxious ASM? Dealing with differences is part of life and scouting. I think this would be a perfect opportunity for the adult leadership to model how adult relationships should operate!


As far as violating a policy... I don't know. I think I read on this site that women have been in scouting for 20 years. Seems like it would be violation in spirit if not in fact.


I always wonder if this is actually the boys having an "issue" or the boys reflecting the "issues" that other adults may be expressing.


Luckily, our troop doesn't seem to have a problem with women attending. Though we only have two that might actually participate.

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Is it really necessary that all troops be the same?

I support two troops. One is up-front with their preferrence that campouts be males-only and the other has a lot of moms on campouts. They are both delivering an excellent scouting program. In our community, there is certainly room for both. We also have troops with a strong emphasis on high adventure and others who work hard on merit badges and advancement. Some troops work hard on fund raising all year so they can go to far-off summer camps in the mountains and some are more bare bones - sticking to local camps, state parks, and ranches.

Please don't take it too personally. One size does not fit all.



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Yes we were the ones in the front row in our scout uniforms. We had to get permission from national to wear them. At the time I was in my 5th year as Webelos leader. I am now fully in the troop, advancement chair, merit badge councilor for 6 badges, Eagle advisor, OA ordeal member and 5 days short of being a wood badger!!! Oh, and our troop is starting a venture crew so that is coming up next year! Yep, I've moved up!!!


As I said, all my boys (and they are ALL my boys) make sure I have a good time. I figure it is good training for future husbands **smile**

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Scoutmaster Ron. Your troop's requirement for any female on an outing to essentially have a chaperone along offends me on so many levels. I read your post a couple of days ago and even now can't articulate clearly on this forum how disrespectful and demeaning such a policy is.

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