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Entertaining thread about the Rank Requirement changes in 2014-2015

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Ya know, trying to write funny stuff is hard work. I see why folks who are good at it get paid for it. (sigh) I am just a smart a$$. Its true. In 4th. grade my teacher sent me to the office with a slip. On it, under reason:"smart a$$".


Principal looked at the slip, sighed, and said "Ms Patterson, AGAIN". He looked at me and said "Son, go to your next class. If she asks you saw me. Learn your lesson: never smart off to a lady getting a divorce."

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By the year 2015, all advancement can be completed on-line so scouts do not have to waste their time going to meetings and outings. That includes Eagle; but the candidate must upload a video, no longer than 5 minutes, of his project being accomplished and completed. Virtual camping will become the only camping requirement, though they can still count actual outdoor camping, as long as they document it with photos or video.


All high adventure activities will also be interactively available.

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Is there a virtual fire building website? Maybe you could teach fire building without a match by rubbing two virtual sticks together.


Boy Scouting could be packaged as a Wii program cartridge?


(I'm starting to get into this!)


Where is Arthur C Clark when we need a story written about a robotic Scoutmaster?

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Wii and now the kinect


I can see an entire very profitable line of games.......











Or you could sell the games based on rank.....Tenderfoot in an afternoon.......


The scout would have a scouter score card, just like the xbox gamer cards.......Nice



An entire line of virtual scouting.......

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Oh slip! I get it.


I should rewrite one based on a series of (all true) esty Troop emails I got in the interim since i wrote:


"Have your mother demonstrate two-half hitches and a taut-line hitch. Video acceptable"


"Have your mother write you a note of your food allergies and need for junk food. Father's may be substituted."


"Prepare a meal plan for a campout. Demonstrate why whatever meal-plan our Patrol will come up with will be unacceptable. Make sure each of the food groups--Pop-tarts, Gummy worms, and Doritos are included."


"Prepare each meal in the following environments for two of the following: In your tent alone, in your tent with your buddy, in the car after a drive-through, sit down at a fast food establishment, or at home with microwave.* Mother's picking up take-out is an acceptable alternative."


* The revised Guide to Safest Scouting does not recommend the use of microwaves unless age 16 and under adult supervision. "Hot Pockets" are prohibited.

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SeattlePioneer wrote: "Is there a virtual fire building website? Maybe you could teach fire building without a match by rubbing two virtual sticks together."


We already have that -- Second Class requirement 3f: "In an approved place and at an approved time, demonstrate how to build a fire and set up a lightweight stove. Note: Lighting the fire is not required."


Dan Kurtenbach

Fairfax, VA



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yeah, I get that there are burn bans on a pretty regular basis in some parts of the country, but still - really? Build a fire but don't light it? Aw, come on, joy kill!


Reminds me of the scene in one of the Harry Potter movies where Professor Umbridge tells the students that a theoretical knowledge of the subject should be fine, no practical application needed. And of course all the students think she's bat-poop crazy.





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Yes, it is now possible to complete the firebuilding requirement indoors in a classroom setting -- just bring in some tinder, kindling, and fuel. But even that wouldn't be necessary. To "demonstrate" how to build a fire, a Scout could use fake firewood made from styrofoam and construction paper (maintained in the troop gear so lots of Scouts can use it), or could use a model (made from modelling clay, perhaps), diagrams on poster board, or a PowerPoint presentation. And then it is one short step to finding a YouTube video on how to build a fire, and showing that.


Now that's entertainment.


Dan Kurtenbach

Fairfax, VA

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Meeting with a MBC will no longer be required. All requirements can be completed via texting. Scouts will be issued a poster with QR codes for each MB which he can scan and download the pamphlet to his iPhone...for a $10 fee billed to mom's account.

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"Prepare a meal plan for a campout. Demonstrate why whatever meal-plan our Patrol will come up with will be unacceptable. Make sure each of the food groups--Pop-tarts, Gummy worms, and Doritos are included."



"Using the 2015 approved FDA list of unapproved foods, go through the food you have packed for a campout and remove all items not approved for youth consumption. If anything is left, demonstrate concern for potential food allergies by removing it as well. Explain to your Scoutmaster that no youth under 25 could possibly be trusted with choosing or preparing his own food, so you can't go camping and need to stay home so your mother can feed you."

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