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Update list of MB categories since 1999 publication

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I serve Urban youth, mostly from poor, single parent and grandparent households...Nice mix of races and cultures.....The Blue and gold is aways a surprise.....


Pack, CM&WDL Transitioning out end of may, I will become the CC in May

I am still the guy who gets them to day and resident camp.


Troop, ASM Transitioning to SM May, Current SM is having health issues and have been proxy for the last 6 months or so



Crew, Advisor, Male.....The second iteration of the group restarted, this President is very motivated and her officers seem engaged and active, Now to get them trained...... they have a couple of activities under their belt and it is less than a month old.

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Still waiting for the scout to finish the list I gave him which was simply crossing names of... *sigh Prompting is not finishing it and I told him I need it for this weekend. Next is the MB books reorganized and publication dates noted. I'm thinking I drop the publication date and simply have him affix the new requirements to the books.


Nice on the generic 'son'. It NEVER occurred to me... *laughing

Might some man to man thing but I can't see calling any young leader, son... *grins

Honey or sweetie is more my thing. Don't think that would go over well within Scouts though... *laughing


Wanted to put the OUTING back in ScOUTING and feeling discouraged tonight. None of my crossovers showed tonight yet all knew there was a meeting. Not sure if its because my ASM was in Mexico still, state test tomorrow, and coming off Spring break. Need numbers for the food and dislike this last minute of probably not getting them until Thursday...*sigh


One of the new Dad's showed up and teased him that maybe with Tom out of town they just don't like me... *laughing Dad there and discourage as he hoped his ex brought his son. (They got weird visitation schedule!) He'd make a great treasurer for ours that needs to leave as her hubby now has cancer and she hung on long after her scout left because there was no one to replace her.



BasementDweller.. WOAH and AWESOME. I'll bet the Blue and Gold is a surprise event. Planned 4 of them in my lifetime so far. gonna be interesting to see that new service organization build up.



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Yep our blue and gold you can have pulled pork, egg rolls, fried rice and bean and cheese enchiladas right a long side the big tray of mac and cheese and some sort of curry rice concotion that really messed with my system.....I smelled like curry for two days....


wouldn't have it any other way....

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