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Does a good scout tell the truth?

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"what your talking about it the scout spirit part of rank advancement."

No, I was talking about the definition of Trustworthy as stated in my old handbook.


"We cannot take rank or requirments away but if they are not living by the scout oath or law you can delay that signiture till they are....or you feel they have improved."

I didn't say we CAN take rank or requirements away, I said that I think we SHOULD be able to bust a scout back a rank for serious violations of the Scout Law.


We don't need to rewrite the definition of Trustworthy, just look it up in any old handbook.

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Sometimes you should be truthful, and sometimes you should be quiet. Sometimes you should blurt out your opinion, and sometimes you should wait to be asked.

This is why knowledge is paired with truth.

With even more knowledge one can become judicious in which adjectives they choose to use so that truthfulness does not become destruction.

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