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1 month/ 3 eagle required MBs


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Ditto the above. Tell the boy when he goes to college, he'll look back and wonder why he thought any of those were hard. But tell him failure is a distinct possibility. As long as he has the sense that he might not fulfill the requirements if he slacks, the odds are in his favor that he'll overcome.


We know one Eagle candidate who had the attitude that he could put everything off up until the last minute. He was only a candidate. Denial is a great path, until you slam into the wall at the end of it!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Done. He finished badge #3 yesterday, SMC & BOR tomorrow, no surprises expected. So in case others are wondering, yes, you can do three Eagle-required badges in under a month without much sweat. (camping, environmental science, e-prep)


One nice thing about this - he's relatively new to this troop (15 months or so) and while he's been quite active, he hasn't had a lot of individual interaction with many of their adult leaders. Doing these badges has helped him get to know a couple of them better - adult association method at work.


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Hope he enjoys the next six months!

Adults will rally around a driven youth, even if he transferred in yesterday.

At his SMC he'll get a load of advice. probably most significant: start the Personal ** badges ASAP, and decide what he'd like to do for a service project.

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