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Eagle Project

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  • 4 months later...

1. Have a nice sit-down with the District Advancement Chair, or the person HE/She has designated to approve Eagle Projects. Feel it out, would a project of this type fly here?


2. Don't call it a maintenance project, its a RESTORATION.


3. My observation around our District is:

Lots of Scouts have done projects at the Charter Partners facility. Some Charter Partners see this as their due, for hosting the unit. Lots of projects have been RESTORATIONS. But, like the others have said, there may be a traditional type of projects your District people expect.

The project should be written up with leadership verbage:

"I'll TRAIN the workers"

"I'll ensure that Safety guidelines will be followed."

"I will have first Aid equipment and first aid trained personnell on hand.

"I will allow no one under 18 to operate power equipmnt, and I will supervise the use of such equipment."

As a wise little old lady Scouter once told me: "If your Eagle Project is digging a ditch, you aren't digging the ditch, you are leading the team that is digging that ditch. You may demonstrate digging, but you aren't the one doing the digging. "

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