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Desirable features in Scouting software

Oak Tree

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Since the parent thread was a bit contentious around the subject, I thought I'd start off with a bit more general topic. What features would I like to see in Scout software in general?


I use TroopMaster and am very familiar with most of its nuances TroopMaster, TroopMaster DotNet, TroopMaster Web, you name it. I could produce quite a list of the little foibles that I would most like to see improved.


Having not used the scoutboost.com, nor troopwebhost.com, nor scoutingplanner.com, nor scoutspirit.com, nor trooptrack.com I'm not as able to give a complete listing of what all I might find missing about them. First off, I was a little bit surprised to find that four other online versions already existed which would seem to indicate we wouldn't need another one in scoutboost, but I haven't done a detailed comparison. The prices vary, but scoutboost is not the cheapest.


Now, I will say that TroopMaster can sure use some competition. It would be great if the new programs out there would force Troopmaster Software to offer a web-only option, for example.


I would really only consider a new program if it were pretty much complete in terms of everything that TroopMaster already has - reports, training records, OA, Eagle honor roll, activity management, etc. There are a few TroopMaster features that we don't use - fundraisers, tribe of mic-o-say, Sea Scouts - but by and large it's a pretty good fit.


I do like that I can take the program with me to an unconnected Scout camp and still record advancement.


I want everyone in the troop to be able to log in. I want them to be able to go to the site and request an id that I get to approve.


I'd like for the money management to be integrated, and to have a way for members to pay via PayPal or credit card.


I'd like to have the adult training linked to National so that people could take the classes by following a link on the site and have their completion recorded.


I want to be able to pull up an adult record on my smartphone and click on their phone number to be connected to them.


I'd like it to be connected to some type of group account for managing pictures (like Picasa or Flickr).


I like being able to track partial or complete merit badges and I'd like to associate counselors with partial badges. I want adults to be able to be listed as leaders/counselors/parents with only one listing and not have to duplicate any information anywhere.


I want to be able to export the data into a spreadsheet.


I'd like it to handle events, sign-ups, calendar entries, reminders, etc.


It would need to have some type of file storage, some type of granular security controls, some email management, some mobile option, backup, dealing with multiple people accessing it, allowing for a custom domain name, maybe some type of forum or wiki.


What about others? Are there particular features that you'd like to see in Scout software? Yes, I know you can manage a troop without software...

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Yah, I'm kinda with short ridge, eh? If scoutin' has gotten to the point where we need an adult content management system to administer just one of da methods, maybe we need to take a step back and ask ourselves what in the h*** we're doin'. ;)


Now, I grant yeh that kids these days are pretty wired and the net is a fine way to communicate. But if the boys feel they really need something', why not encourage 'em to build it rather than take it away from them? I'm willing to bet that the lads would not choose a CMS for advancement as the most important need in their troop, eh? Perhaps da money is better spent on patrol gear. ;)



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Ok, now, don't go all Kudu on me here, Beav (no disrespect, Kudu :-))


I did admit right up front that you could manage a troop with no software whatsoever, but I'll note that BSA does actually have a troop webmaster position of responsibility these days. What's a lad to do if the adults won't go ahead and give him a site that he can play with? (Rhetorical question, no answers, please.)


In the old days the Scoutmaster tracked advancement somewhere. They always had sheets available for those purposes. Sure, you could just use the books, but it's handy to know which Scouts might benefit from activity X. Counting up merit badges for the courts of honor is a lot easier with a big troop if you have some software for the purpose.


Adults sent home newsletters. People called each other on the phone. I'm astonished at how inefficient we were. Now I find it hard to have the patience to listen to an answering machine message. Voice is such a slow way to send a message.


But ok, I'll grant you, there's a set of you who don't want any software at all. Feel free to chime in. Maybe I'll start another thread on whether the adults should really be doing these functions at all.


What about those of you who might use software? Any features above and beyond 'none' that are appealing?


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I am on the fence about advancement tracking software. On one hand it is really cool, and in many cases can make stuff easier; especially if the software is mobile, and also serves as an address book.


On the other hand, I am glad none of the adults in my ship have found anything like that for Sea Scouts. We already have this problem of people getting signed off on requirements without knowing it. The Skipper keeps track of everything in this big binder and often signs people off on things without telling them. We have had people be done with Apprentice and not have any clue about it until they were given the award a couple months later. I think software of any sort would just make that even more common.


As for features like paying with credit cards and Paypal, they all come with fees for whomever is collecting the money. That cost would either have to be eaten by the unit, or passed on to the families.


That's my take on it. I like all the other features you mentioned though. Most of that would be very useful.

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"It would be great if the new programs out there would force Troopmaster Software to offer a web-only option, for example."


I will admit, I am not a Troopmaster expert, but we've been using (I think) a web-only interface for a few months, which can then sync back to our Advancement Chair's PC.


While he tracks advancement and outing participation, I have been mostly concerned with registration, training, etc. About the only feature I've noticed that is missing on the web version is to generate the export file for our SOAR-based troop website. I do, however, note that the web-based Troopmaster has a calendar, email generation and a message forum, so one could theoretically use that in place of some other troop website.


(side note: we're kind of addicted to SOAR's EBlast, calendar and announcements, so I don't see us dropping the troop website for awhile)



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Having been a membership/advancement coordinator...


The information demanded by BSA for Tour Planning, recharter, advancement borders on the inane. Have you noticed the database of ScoutNet now all but demands middle names vice initials? Have you noticed that a kid called Bill, who wants to be known as Bill, must be called William (or whatever the legal name is) in ScoutNet? (If it's not that way before Eagle, it sure is afterward).


Advancement management itself is not difficult. The primary record should be the handbook and/or the merit badge application, however the troop generates an app. The Scout gets his book looked at by the Troop Scribe, who updates something (the wall chart comes to mind). The advancement person then can update the unit records from the wall chart.


Then, regularly, the advancement person sends reports to the SM. Helps Mr/Ms SM keep informed on the boys. This allows Mr/Ms SM to have a quiet SM conference with a Scout who is "stuck" ... and maybe some peer help can get him unstuck.


The same report can go to whoever will run the advancement BOR. It's a snapshot, no more, no less.


Finally, the feature I would insist on is that any advancement software be compatible with ScoutNet internet advancement: Connect, upload, update. At least then the matter of my son having the (he never earned it, but the Registrar won't remove it) Oceanography MB on his youth Scouting record will finally go away.

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we've been using (I think) a web-only interface for a few months, which can then sync back to our Advancement Chair's PC.


Right - so most of you are using the web interface, but the Advancement Chair has the "master copy" and has to sync up with the web version from time to time. Also, he or she has access to more features on the local software than are available on the web. This is relatively close to what I'd like, but I'd want all of the features to be available on the web. Once they have that, I'd be ok with their model.

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I'm curious -- have you asked the Troopmaster people the differences between the PC and web versions, or have you asked when their features would be on par?


The reason why I bring it up -- I've had several email conversations with SOAR, and some of my ideas were either in the works already, or have been promised in their release cycle.



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