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Revoke Eagle Scout Rank


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Very, very rare.. The only time I have ever heard of an Eagle rank being revoke was when a young man murdered his family by following the orders of his ScoutMaster to do so.. Putting the whole BSA program on trail with him in the murder investigation..


Others who murder, but do not drag the BSA into the mud with them, get to keep their Eagle rank..


So is your situation as dire as that?..


I doubt for something that rare and that drastic there is a typical form lying around.

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I wish I had taken down the name of the documentary, I saw the show 8 years back. It was fascinating. Obviously before the time of 2 deep leadership. May have been the start of putting 2 deep leadership in place.


The ScoutMaster alway took the boys on camping trips alone, and molested them, and groomed them to become a militia that was devoted to protecting him and his secrets.


They had alot of interviews from the parents and former scouts, and the scout who murder his family. But the SM (who also was in prison) did not do an interview.


One kid joined the troop having moved from another town, and after figureing out what was going on tried to blow the whistle, the rest of the town did not believe him. Good thing to because if they had the SM had the other scouts lined up to kill him.


One parent found out what he was doing, and was fine with keeping the secret as long as he did not molest her son.. She later found out that he had and was outraged he had violated her son. Not even a notion that her self-centered indignation was sickening.


Even the family who was murdered, was told by the son he had been molested. Then a week later the SM had convinced the scout he now had to murder them to keep them silent. He finally did the deed. My question was "Why did they not say anything to authorities during that one week span?" I forget how it unravaled and got solved, but it is not because anyone in that family said a word to authorities or other friends or family in that week after they found out.


All the people in that troop (adults and scouts) in my opinion had an attitude that was unbelievable!


Did anyone else see this documentary? If my husband hadn't seen it with me, I would think I had dreamed the whole thing.

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Well, here is one the Kudu might like, as it relates to the ownership of the symbols and so on. I believe that technically, National has the "right" to remove the names of individuals from lists of honors and ranks, if they choose. Whether or not it has happened is vague. I do know that in our council, SB has been indirectly revoked by stripping the name and date from the list of recipients on file.


When I was a scout eons ago, the fine print shown in the handbook stated that the badge could be taken back. "A Scout's honor is to be trusted. If he were to violate this honor, by lying, cheating, or not doing exactly a given task, when trusted upon his honor, he may be directed to hand over his "scout badge". So, the intent was stated at one time in the manual.


The OP though seems more interested in some kind of public embarrassment, as the video he posted is a clip from "Branded".


Unlikely to have any "formal" recension occur, as physically taking it back would be very difficult.(This message has been edited by skeptic)

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From what I understand, IF this was to happen, for ANY rank, it can only be done by the BSA National Executive Board, and it would have to be for "extreme circumstances".


Something like getting arrested, or doing drugs, would not cut it. Think more along the lines of John Wayne Gacy.


As another indicator of how rare a thing this would be, I have read that only between 9-11 Eagle ranks have possibly (because I can not verify any number at all) been revoked out of over 2 million earned.


Keep in mind that having membership revoked is a much different thing than having a rank revoked.


As to what kind of form to use, I doubt you will find one on your council Service Center's shelf. I recommend contacting BSA National.

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Eagle92 - This is definately a story about the same incident as in the documentary.. Now I have proof my husband & I did not have some sort of mind melding dream of this.. Taking your story, I did some web surfing and found some show called "The Investigators" did a documentary on this called "The Scoutmasters' Secret".. It just hit me looking at the title of you written story that that was similar to the title of the Documentary.


It only happened in 1997!! I might have watched it around 2003 - 2004 ?? There was a little time lapse but not as much as I assumed. Just because no one else went on these camping trips with the boys, which is in violation of the 2 deep leadership rule.


But the family definatly was the parents and 1 sister. And there is the one scout who tried to tell the town what was happening.


The written story, doesn't explain why the family was marked for death or about the camping trips in the woods where they were trained like a militia team.. But that definately is the same story. (Or at least I hope there is no two stories so similar).


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Living in Arkansas and just up the road from where this took place I figured the link was about this case. Nowhere does it say a thing about his Eagle Rank being revoked and I don't recall reading anything locally about it in all the publicity either.


The kid back that climbed up in the tower at the University of Texas with a rifle and shot people was an Eagle Scout and I never heard anything about his Eagle being revoked. I'm willing to bet that once someone makes Eagle and that there is nothing National can do. It wouldn't matter anyway because then it come out as former Eagle Scout and the negative publicity would still be there.

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You being closer I will trust in your magnatude of information on this incident. I just seem to remember the Documentary stating this, and my husband & I discussing that remark of it was taken away because of the murders, or because it was earned due to meeting the SM requirements that had nothing to do with the true requirements.


Since the story did not state others in the troop had the Eagle rank revoked we decided it was due to the murders.


We were a little over a year out of cub scouts though and pretty green, so maybe they said "membership revoked" and we misunderstood it to be "rank revoked" or the documentary could have gotten it wrong.

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There's an Eagle Scout by that name listed in the NESA directory. It shows a Board of Review date of 1/30/1995, from a troop on Lonoke, AR. His current address is listed as a PO Box in Arkadelphia, AR.


I googled that address to see if it is the address of a prison, and as far as I can tell, it is not.


So it appears that he's still an Eagle.



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