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SMC same day as BOR?


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I try to be very clear with new adults that a lot of what we do are "troop policies." They are written down in a troop handbook which even I barely take the time to read more than once a year!


Some of those are for the convenience of the SM and can be altered at his discretion.


Others have to do with the opinion of our district advancement chair. We could ignore his advice, but he's a nice guy -- so when he tells us about "red flags", we make policies to steer boys around them.


Those latter policies are what seem to be out of an SM's or committee's hands. They come off as hard-and-fast nation-wide rules, but they aren't.


Not sure where your former SM got his rule from, but if it's worked for your troop this long, no point in abandoning it unless your current SM feels like his hands are tied for no good reason.

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in my son's troop I know that's it taken place at the same day because he did it for his life rank, but it required him to ask a few committee members to stay late in order to do that... as I recall he was about to enter debate or basketball season where he would be missing a bunch of meetings and while he did attend campouts and they can do them there it's just a big question of who will be at the campouts.


it really depends on what is going on in the meetings, but often the 1st half of the meeting is all set and planned and the 2nd half is set up for the boys to be able to do what they need to do - rank, meet with MBC, SMC, BOR, etc... so typically boys who need BOR's have already talked with committee members to set that up and so as soon as it gets that time then that's what they are doing and other boys are doing SMC's. Now if only 1 boy has requested a BOR and we get done with that we can sometimes do the boy that just did his SMC... and also depends on how many committee members are at the meeting - if only 3 are there then we are limited to just 1 at a time, sometimes we will over 6 there and get a couple at a time.

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I try to schedule the SMC as soon as I can after the scout asks me for one. After the SMC, I direct the scout to our Adv Coord to ask for a BOR. The Adv Coord almost always knows it is coming. He gets a BOR together as soon as he has enoough adults available. Both the SMC and BOR can happen on the same evening, but are often a week apart.

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