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living by scout oath


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i would like some input on our problem in our troop,we have some older scouts that have become ring leaders in a negative way, from talking to the other scouts , its always the same answer well so and so was doing it first, from the way it sounds it is the same at school.these boys are first class going for the star,my question is it says in all ranks to live by the scout oath, we only see these boys a few times a month, my question should i make up a form that says that i am living by the scout oath,then have them take it to school and have at least 5 teachers say that they are,by signing it and one has to be the principal,what do you think good or bad idea?

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Are these "Ringleaders" in the same patrol?

Do they have responsabilities in the Troop?

Is the Troop program keeping them busy and active enough?

Does your Board of Review committee ask the question "How do you live by the Scout Oath and Law"

I don't think the signed form is a good idea, where does "Trustworthy" fit into having them get a form signed and not taking thier word?

There has to be a better way to turn these boys around.

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You might ask them if they KNOW the Scout Oath, The Scout Promice, and the twelve points of the Scout Law. If they can recite them correctly - ask them why they are not using them as their guide for how to "live their lives" and "How to act in any situation, in or out of uniform".


They need guidelines in their lives and they will constantly push to broaden them. They need to understand, from someone they see living this way, that they can NOT broaden these principals, these guidelines, these Laws of life. Ask them how their thoughts, words, and deeds conform to and are examples of these guidelines?


They will come around - there are no really bad boys - or Scouts. They are "only a work in progress".

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A wise old scouter from our District, who is no longer with us, summarized the Scout Spirit definition as the "Three A's". Attendance, Appearance, and Attitude.


Attendance-the Scout comes to meetings, goes on campouts, and takes part in the Troop's community activities.

Appearance-The Scout wears his uniform correctly and with pride in all the above functions he attends.

Attitude-The Scout must show the proper attitude in dealing with the leaders and other Scouts when he is in attendance in any of the above functions.


I have adopted this guideline with the Scouts in my Troop and review the 3 points with each boy every time I have a Scoutmaster Conference with them. Any violation, in my mind, of any of those 3 points, are grounds for me to withhold signature of the "Scout Spirit" portion of the advancement.


I always cover "The 3 A's" every time I have a SM conference, so every boy knows up front where I stand. You can, on occasion, have a Scout that breezes thru the advancement requirements, but is a total pain to everyone involved in doing so. My withholding of my signature can stop his advancement, and I will explain why when I do it. (I will typically counsel a boy before if I see a problem such as this before he ever comes to me for a SM conference). I'm proud to say, I've never had to use this to stop any boys advancement.


When Scouts are in their 13-16 year old beligerant stage, I will put up with almost anything a boy does as long as he's coming to meetings and going on campouts, because he's still interested in what the program is offering. I know when he outgrows that stage, he'll turn around and I'll get my "payback" from him. Boys in that age range who are beligerant and not coming on campouts or attending meetings are not really interested in the program and will ultimately drop out of Scouting. I still try to work with these boys, when they're there, in an effort to turn then around. But it doesn't always work.


My advise to any SM who has a troublesome boy, be patient and stay the course. Time seems to have a way of working it out one way or the other.

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