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Attire for Eagle Court?

Burning Spear

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I wanted to ask your expert opinions on proper attire for my son's Eagle Court of Honor.


Background... I've been Troop Comm. Chair for 7 years. Very involved in the troop at all levels and at all times.


We will be having an Eagle Court of Honor for five boys (including my son - yeeehaaa). I was also the Eagle mentor for one of the other boys.


What should I wear at the Eagle Court?????


1) Full Scout uniform. Since I am so invloved and the mentor to one of the other boys?


2) Suit and tie. Since I am the proud father of an Eagle Scout?


I am really torn over this. This is an official Troop function and I am CC. So I feel that the full Scout uniform is in order. But I also feel that this is my time to sit in the audience and savor my boy's accomplishment.


Thanks for your suggestions.






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It's simple ... wear whatever you want to.

Being a proud papa, and wearing a uniform are not mutually exclusive.

Personally, I wore a uniform (although that was not the tradition in our unit). Which ever you choose, it makes a statement. What do you want your statement to be? Asking your son is one way. Asking your spouse is another. I wouldn't ask other troop members. This is your decision. It's a win-win.


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I don't think there's really a wrong choice.


If I was in your situation, I'd wear the uniform. A Court of Honor is, after all, a scouting activity. By wearing it, you are honoring all 5 boys and the troop you serve.


I remember at my Eagle Court of Honor, there were 2 of us. My dad wore his ASM uniform, and the other scout's father wore his CC uniform.

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Yah, Burning Spear, congratulations to your son and the other lads, eh! And thank you for your service to the program.


I think there's always this thing where we program volunteers feel indispensable. Happens to SMs the most. It's a bad thing for units and for families.


Somebody else can do da formal ceremony stuff for the committee, and the lad for whom you were a mentor will see you as that mentor no matter what you wear. You should be proud dad. It will mean more to your son and to you and to your wife to have you at her side. Moms get teary during these things sometimes, eh? :) Be sittin' with your family, not the committee that night.




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I can see this issue from both points of view and both are equally valid. There is no wrong choice, so go with what you feel is appropriate.


Me? I'd wear the uniform because it encompasses both parent and scout leader at the same time. The uniform is the outward expression of scout leader, and the man in the uniform is the outward expression of parenthood. Many of us wear two hats at the same time and letting your boy know that both are important is a strong message for him. If you wear the suit/tie combo, you let him know you are a proud father which you have every right to be proud. But by wearing the uniform you let him know that being a scout leader for him is just as important.


Either way, Dad, job well done for not only your own son, but the Eagle whom you have mentored! I'm sure the affect you had on all the boys has had a positive impact on their lives as well and by wearing the uniform you let them know they are included in your scope of pride as well.



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Wow!!! Thank you all so very much.


I have been leaning towards wearing my full uniform. That seems to be the logical choice. This is a Troop function and I am an adult leader with the Troop.


Beavah, I will most definitely be seated right next to my wonderful wife. Yes, let someone else take care of the ceremony so I can sit in the audience with a big grin.

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I have been thinking about the same thing, as my son's Eagle COH is next month. I have noticed that in our troop, leaders who normally wear uniforms to meetings wear their uniform to their own son's ECOH about half the time. So, the only help there is that it's up to me. :) I think I will be wearing my uniform.

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First, congratulations to your son.

As the others have stated, do what you and your son feel appropriate.


As far as a personal experience as SM when my son earned Eagle he asked me where I wanted him to pin the Father of an Eagle scout pin on my uniform during the ceremony. I told him that on the day of his ECOH I was not a SM but the proud father of an Eagle Scout and to pin it on the lapel of my suit. I have never received a bigger hug from my son.


All the Best.

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Wear what you want.


Me? I'd wear the uniform for several reasons: I am a scoutleader . I am active just like my son. All the leadership should dress the part.


See, you are being the dad, but when did you ever stop being the dad? At patrols? During Jamborees? During campouts or regular meetings?


Uh-uh! You were stilla dad the whoile time.


So when you it beside your wife in that uniform...you are still a dad!


But again, do what you think feels right!

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Imagine if I showed up at the hut out of uniform I'd be arrested for trespassing. Some of the kids probably haven't seem me in civvies in 12 years.


At ECOHs, I (SM) share presentation duties with the committee chairman and chartered organization rep. I usually tell some story about the Eagle then make the actual presentation.


When Onecubson got his Eagle last summer, I did my usual little talk, then stepped back beside his mom and played dad for the rest of the ceremony. Since I was part of the ceremony, I was in uniform.

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