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Yet another advancement rumor


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Our FYE is really 15 months long.


Never had run into this but I imagine it could happen where a boy gets two ranks at the same BoR.


Quite often though we have a boy getting two ranks at a CoH, our CoH's are May and December. We hand out patches as they are earned though.

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I can't understand how this is a very common occurance. I know of only one time that this has occurred in our troop. A boy dropped out with only a BOR remaining for Tenderfoot and only a few requirements for Second Class. A year later, when his younger brother crossed over into the troop, he decided to give Scouts another chance. By the time all this worked out, he finished the Second Class requirements so we let sit for both boards at once.


Absent some unusual circumstance, I would hope the unit leaders would discourage the practice. It seems to me the process is short-changed by allowing a Scout to do mutiple BORs at once. Why go through the time and hassle of separate conferences and review when you can knock out all three at once?

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I've never seen a Scout do anything that appeared to be at all intentional to lead to this situation. From what I've seen, once they've decided they want to get the next rank, they are eager to get there. I don't foresee a Scout saying "I think I'll delay Second Class for awhile just so I only have to do one BoR."


But maybe our Scoutmaster conferences and BoRs are not painful enough. I suppose at some threshhold a Scout might start doing that. :-)


Seriously - I agree with you - but I can't imagine a problem.

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When I was active with a troop, I would see the T-2, 2-1, or even a T-2-1 BOR(s)usually with new scouts who joined the troop in Feb-Mar. time frame and went to summer camp.


Me personally I like the time periods between T-2-1 as they allowed the scout to mature, or as a good frined of mine woudl say "season a bit."



Also I do not like how all the basic scout skills are split up amongst the T-2-1 ranks, and that is one reason why scouts are working on multiple ranks simultaneously. I am one of the few on this forum who actually liked the skill awards ont he 1970s and 80s. It allowed a scout to focus all the attention the basic skills at one time.


Finally I think FA MB need to once again be mandatory for First Class. Scouts are known for their FA knowledge, and I've been in several situations as a youth that I had to do FA when adults were around. They knew I was a scout, and thought/knew I had the KSAs to deal with the situation ( I say thought b/c one incident was as a brand new Tenderfoot Scout, luckily READYMAN AB covered a good bit of the situation)

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