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No Reference Letters – No EBOR


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Here, once the Scout turns in his completed Eagle Scout Application, the council sends out a form letter to the references listed. Since often Scouts don't turn in their application until close to their 18th birthday, there is no way that the letters could be back!



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OGE, my friend, you can call me a jerk any time.:) Heaven knows, I hear it enough from my wife.;) She's probably right about it too.


In fairness, if you were the target of Beavah's barb I would be very surprised. Thing is, he is the most gifted person I've ever read on these forums for being able to avoid a clear, direct statement. I guess it is a mandatory part of legal training to be able to leave everyone wondering what you really meant.

(and just between you and me, I think he really just wishes Bob White was still participating)


Edited part for fun: OGE, I never knew Bob White personally. I did spar with him a few times on these forums and I know he had strong opinions. And I read him often.

OGE, you are no Bob White.(This message has been edited by packsaddle)

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Don't know if this will help or not. Our council does request reference letters. The form for the reference letter can be found at:




it is an editable .pdf form.


Good Luck. In the unit I serve, I have the candidate have the references mailed to me and I turn them into council along with the completed application and workbook. I most cases it takes about a week to 10 days to get all the letters in. Sometimes less, sometimes a little longer.



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Okay, how about the SM who calls the council and says he will be holding the reference letter for 6 months to give the boy a chance to mature properly in developing some leadership to justify the rank of Eagle? (The boy just turned 16 so aging out isn't a problem.)





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Sure, why not? No one seems to be following national policy on letters of recomendations, so what the heck? Our council requires the Scout to collect the letters and won't accept the application without them.


One of our Eagle candidates earlier this year opend all the letters and had them in page protectors in his notebook. Hey, that works too. Our district Eagle board representative had a duck. But my troop advancement chair blew him off.


Next time I think I'll take the letters out of then envelopes and replace them with copies of the national advancement policy regarding recommendations. You think that will get back to the council advancement committee?

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" Our district Eagle board representative had a duck"


Wait, what? Confused here...


CNY, I write letters of rec all the time. I practically never get three or four weeks' advance notice. A few days is usually what I have to work with. This should not present a problem. Just encourage your son to politely follows up with his listed references to make sure they have not forgotten, lost the form in a pile of papers, accidentally lined the bird cage with it, etc. If he explains that this is a matter of some urgency, it shouldn't be hard for people to comply. After all, one hopes he chose people who actaully LIKE him, and would be happy to see him make eagle. They have a stake in helping him out a little bit by getting their letters in, in a timely manner.


Good luck to him. I can only imagine that in a couple of years time, it might be me in this position, biting my nails while not-yet-Eagle-son keeps me wondering till the bitter end whether he's going to do it or not.



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I would suggest a friendly cup of coffee with you, the DAC, and the Council Advancement Chair. Bring them into the loop. It might even be worth it to have one with the Professional in charge of advancement.


If they perceive you playing a headgame, rather than legitimately trying to work growth and development, a unfilled levy on you for your recommendation ... well, it can be taken as "he has an animus against the boy; let's contact the Chartered Partner and deal with this."


I know that if my DAC pereives someone is urinating and defecating on a youth member, he won't wait a minute to contact the Chartered Partner, and the Key 3, and withdraw the boys' advancement from the unit.


Trust me, I've seen him do it.


You don't need that headache.

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Sorry, Lisa, I should explain that in our council not only is the Scout required to collect the letters and turn in them in with his applicaton (or the application is rejected by staff without further review), but apparently the letters are supposed to be in sealed envelopes and never seen by the Scout. The references didn't put the letters in envelopes sealed or otherwise, so he just included them in the notebook.


I got an earfull because I failed to realize that as Scoutmaster it is my job to know which national policies our council chooses to ignore and to find out the local rules they make up instead.

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Ah, ok, I get it. He had a duck, as in "he had a cow." I was thinking something like, he had a rubber ducky on the table and threw it at you???


Twocub, you had better practice your mind-reading skills. Clearly, they're not up to par for your council's expectations.

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Sorry, Lisa, I should explain that in our council not only is the Scout required to collect the letters and turn in them in with his applicaton (or the application is rejected by staff without further review), but apparently the letters are supposed to be in sealed envelopes and never seen by the Scout. The references didn't put the letters in envelopes sealed or otherwise, so he just included them in the notebook.


I got an earfull because I failed to realize that as Scoutmaster it is my job to know which national policies our council chooses to ignore and to find out the local rules they make up instead.


I would take a copy of the advancement thing with me and ask these lovely people where does it state the Scout HAS to do anything except supply the names for references. I'd love to people like this out back!

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