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Can rank be taken away after committee has approved


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I think you have a legitimate question.


I think you should ask your COR for a business meeting with the Scoutmaster and Committee Chair. Ask them to explain their logic in detail. Quietly but firmly insist on an explanation.


If you can get to common ground with them, such that they will have a follow-on SM conference and non-advancement Board of Review, all is well. They owe your son the reasons for a "not yet" advancement. If he (or you) think they are unfair or out-of-line, there are ways to ask "what's going on" up the line.


Caution, though: Pulling the trigger on an appeal short of Eagle may well "poison the well" with the adults of this particular Troop. You want to thnk this through with great maturity, for his sake. By asking for District intervention, you will make the lives of SM, CC, COR, and Advancement person more than a bit uncomfortable. Pull this trigger with great maturity.

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Seems to me there should be no question as to why the Scout has not passed his board of review. Ask for the written explanation you are entitled to.


From the 2008 Advancement Guide Book, page 30.

"If the board decides that the Scout is not ready to advance, the candidate should be informed and told what he has not done satisfactorily....The members of the board of review should specify what must be done to rework the candidates weaknesses and schedule another board of review for him. A follow-up letter must be sent to a Scout who is turned down for rank advancement, confirming the agreements reached on the actions necessary for advancement."

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I think you should ask your COR for a business meeting with the Scoutmaster and Committee Chair.


Yah, I disagree with John-in-KC here, eh?


I think yeh go runnin' off to da COR or IH only when there's a serious issue that merits the involvement and attention of that level of person. Embezzlement/serious misuse of funds, seriously inappropriate behavior by adult leaders, that sort of thing. Issues where one of the likely results is the sponsor making changes in the adult leadership roster.


Disputes about advancement don't reach that level in my mind. Those are referee calls, eh?


Encouragin' parents to go running off and make a fuss with da sponsor is goin' to harm a lot of sponsor relationships. Few sponsors are used to the steady stream of parent gripes that come out of any youth program that has an evaluation/awards component.


There's an appeals process for advancement, eh? When it's appropriate, that should be followed. Though generally speakin', I think kids are best served when their parents support the teacher/coach/referee/scoutmaster or let their child fight that fight on their own. Either way, this is not a matter that merits the institutional involvement of da sponsor.




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Finally calmed down enough to call Committee Chair yesterday. She said son did wonderful at BOR and that they were never suggesting that he have a new one. It was not turned in to committee person who keeps records that my son had ever taken over as DC. The Committee member who called Cub Master was not supposed to and the CC has no idea why. She said that if they get a copy of letter from CM they will back date his DC and he would therefore have enough time in POR and his date of advancement will stand as the date of previous BOR.


Things were not explained in a manner that my son understood and CC thought that the SM would discuss it with me and him since I am ASM but I couldn't be at the meeting that night. I should be able to have it fixed in the next week.


Thanks for letting me vent and work it through.


BTW, CC, who was his previous SM, said that she could really see how much my son had matured and was really proud of him. She was very sorry that he was upset about the situation.

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