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How many Eagle MB should be done by parent?


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Just an update, I bought up the subject of MB counselors and how other Troops handle the MB process at our RT this week. I learned that most Troops had the same frustration with our council not having an updated MB Counselor list and that most Troops use in Troop MB counselors. I offered to help compile a list from the other Troops to bring Councils list up to date, and asked other Troops to offer MB's to other local Troops which most seemed to be ok with. I think one problem is that most Troops think that the council list is a joke (which it is by being at least 5-8 years out of date) that they only offer MB to their own Troop but are willing to do so if asked from another Troop. I offered to do MB counselor training to any Troop or person and one Troop took me up on the offer so far. I have someone at council who offered to help me and I have the presentation that was sent to me by Brent that should allow me to properly train everyone. I am glad that this came up early in my Scoutmaster tenure so that I can correct what our Troop used to do and go forward with a much better understanding of the program.

Thanks for all your help.


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Keeping the merit badge list up to date is a function of the Disitrct/Council Advancement Committee. If you are doing the list, you are on the committee (I would think) unless you don't want to be. I would ask them (the current memebers) why is the list so old, nothing though should stand between getting an up to date list together and also a process to keep it current as possible

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I do not want to be on the advancement committe but I just want to help get the list straightened out and up to date. Council will welcome the help and maybe a nudge or someone to get the process started will help jumpstart someone in Council to get it completed.


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How many Eagle merit badges should be done by parent?

Is the parent under 18? If not, none may be done by the parent.


How many Eagle merit badges should a Scout be counseled on by one of his parents? As many as are assigned by the Scoutmaster.

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