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Merit Badge Requirments/when completed?


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CRW, sounds to me like you have one of those "local variations" that some folks around here like to jump all over (thick skin is such a valuable quality). I take it you're in a small council? I'd say as long as it's a council-approved practice, go for it - I understand that the MBC system is a National "thing", but how it's enacted is handled at the council level. It's not the first time I've heard of this.


Shields up,


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I'd say as long as it's a council-approved practice, go for it - I understand that the MBC system is a National "thing", but how it's enacted is handled at the council level.


Going for it could only impact the Scout and it could be an adverse impact! It's not that hard to follow these rules.

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I think if I were in the same position as you, I would check with the adults in the troop (SM, ASMs, Parents, Committee) to see if anyone could serve as counselor for the badges that were unfinished. Then, I'd run the paperwork to make them official MBC. (They might want to be troop only MBCs) That should prevent any questions that may come about in the future! It also could spread the work out, giving the boys an opportunity to work with different adults!



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These Scouts did not create the problem. The Council in charge LOST the merit Badge list that was hand delivered to the Council office, so it was not lost in the mail. The boys then had nothing really to choose from because all the classes that they wanted where filled up all ready. IMHO the boy's should not be punished for something the Council goofed up on. Period.


Prof., Thank you, we are in the process of doing that. The only problem we have is that no one has Stepped up to take on any of the "Citizen" Merit badges, but we will work through that.

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