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Letter to absent Scout

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Be aware that some MB have a time element to them. While he may think he has until his 18th birthday, that's not true of some of the merit badges, which need to be started way ahead of time. Personal Fitness, for example, requires 12 weeks.(This message has been edited by scoutldr)

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Yah, I'm not fond of formal letters except when there's poor parenting involved.


Just call the lad up and schedule an informal SM conference. Listen to him, and figure a plan.


Expect that at least half the time yeh do this, the boy will promise you the world, agree to all expectations, and not follow through. In which case, you drop him from the roster.


For the other half sometimes you'll learn he really wants out but his parents etc. want to earn Eagle. You can be his friend by helping him leave with good feelings and your support.


And sometimes you'll win the lad back, and he'll perk up and find a way to contribute.


Whichever one it is, you'll be doin' your job as SM by helpin' the boy learn responsibility, or helpin' the boy make his own choices, or helpin' the boy reconnect with the program. All of 'em are good outcomes.




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When a boy is a 17 year old Life Scout who has served as SPL in the past, is it our responsibility to chase him down and coax him to earn Eagle? Surely by now he knows how things work and what the deadlines are. Either he is interested or he isn't. Since he doesn't attned and is making no effort to earn his remaining MB's or put forth any effort to do his project, it sounds like he has already made his decision. He might come back in the last couple of months wanting to Eagle and not have enough time......but he knew the requirements up front. While I understand the courteous aspect of contacting him, this is his to step up to. I'm thinking that the most I would do is give him a friendly heads up phone call that he has 4 MB left that will take X amount of time (depending on what they are) and how the local coucil Eagle BOR functions and that once he hits a certain date, all bets are off.....and leave it up to him to make his choices.

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