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returning for eagle


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Last time I looked the requirement stated that a Scout must be active, in his troop and patrol, as a Life Scout, for at least six months.


Attending merit badge sessions and OA events may show that the Scout is active in Scouting but it does indicate that he is being active in his patrol and troop. The requirement does not say active for six consecutive months. It does not imply the last six consecutive months before earning Eagle. It does not state attendance requirements.


The Scoutmaster is in charge of advancement within their troop. The Scoutmaster should determine what is and what is not "active in your troop and patrol" and be consistent, above board and clear.


No one can not allow the Scout to begin an Eagle Leadership Service Project just because the Scout has been scarcely seen at meetings.


P.S. Now as an engineer I have to ask the following. Isn't requirement #1 not necessary? Can a Scout meet requirement #4 and not requirement #1?


1. Be active in your troop and patrol for at least 6 months as a Life Scout.


4. While a Life Scout, serve actively for a period of 6 months in one or more of the following positions of responsibility: ...(This message has been edited by acco40)

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Prior to my becoming SM and for the first year or 18 months, this sort of Prodigal Life Scout was the norm in our troop. Some of the Scouts returning from the wilderness had left prior to my joining the troop so I couldn't pick some of them out of a lineup. Still, as SM, I had to sign the Eagle app. I relied heavily on the leaders who were around when the boys were active.


My standard was to ask if they had ever "walked the walk." In other words, prior to becoming less active, had they met the letter and spirit of the requirements. In other words, if you could pinpoint a day they became inactive, would the troop leaders have signed their Eagle app then (assuming the other, less subjective requirements had been met). In every case but one, they had. The one exception was a Scout who became inactive within a month of earning Life and did not meet the standard. I declined to approve his Eagle app and was ultimately upheld on appeal.


Based on what we know here, it sounds to me like this kid did "walk the walk" and I would be glad to have him back to finish his project. Of course I would push/encourage/threaten him to actively participate in troop life while he finishes things.


I can't argue with da Beav's comments that these things are within the normal variations of the various troop's programs and the vision/standards each troop sets for itself.



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