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Adding to requirements


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There is nothing in BSA Advancement literature which says the Troop must use internal MB Counselors.


My thought is Mr SM should find a MB Counselor for First Aid outside the Troop and direct the youth there. That would reinforce Adult Association, vice Mr CC, who the kids should see at most every BOR.


OBTW, Mr SM should have a friendly cup of coffee with Mr CC and tell him to find CPR trainers who will do the training for the youth inexpensively.


My thoughts.

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SS Scout,


You are not adding to the requirements unless you require the boys to pass a test on the extra information. Part of the MBC training is telling the MBC that it is OK to add information to the packet but not to test on added info. You are doing it correctly if done as you stated.


As to the CC requiring CPR certification, as J-inKC said, the boys SHOULD be reccomended to MBC's that are NOT part of troop if possible. The SM should also have a discussion with CC about requirements and if need be, invite the DAC. Cost about the same for three cups as two of coffee.


My $0.02





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