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OK, I've been trying to post a message all week, but keep getting the message:


Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e10'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error

/Forums/post_library.asp, line 91


Others have received this in the past. How did you overcome it? Please help. Apparently I can respond to a post, but cannot create a new thread...


Please help!




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Maybe someone can help me, but I cannot see the pull-down menu that you refer to????


Where is it (or where should it be)?


When I select the "new topic" button, it automatically says which category it will be posted to based on which category I was in. For example, if I am in the category "Camping & High Adventure" and I select the "new topic" button, the page that comes up says that I am posting a new topic to "Camping & High Adventure" I do not see a drop down to select any other category.


Any ideas???




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Sorry, but this is when I try to post a "new topic" using the "new topic" button. I do not want to "spin-off" of another topic, but I want to create a new topic.

As I stated:

When I select the "new topic" button, it automatically says which category it will be posted to based on which category I was in. For example, if I am in the category "Camping & High Adventure" and I select the "new topic" button, the page that comes up says that I am posting a new topic to "Camping & High Adventure" I do not see a drop down to select any other category.


Again, any ideas???





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I just tried to spin-off a new message, and yes I did select a forum for the spin-off from the drop-down box.


I received this message:


Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e10'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error

/forums/post_library.asp, line 91


I have now tried posting a new topic from 3 different computers in different locations. I always get this message when posting a new topic or when trying to spin-off a new topic. When posting a new topic, I do not get a drop-down box to select a forum. When spinning-off a new topic, I do get the drop-down box, but I still get the above message.


Apparently, I can still reply to topics that have already been started.


Any help is appreciated...




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That was it. I had an apostrophe and a dash in my subject line. I took them out and everything is OK. I was able to post a new topic. That never occurred to me as a potential problem.




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So I try to post something (new, spin off, or reply) and I get this page :


""Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e10'


[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error


/forums/post_library.asp, line 91 ""


Sometimes it appears, sometimes not. It appears more often than not of late.


Any ... thoughts?...



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  • 9 months later...

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