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New Scouts & Merit Badges


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We had 12 boys at summer camp last year. It was the first year for all but one. They spent half a day working on T-2-1 and half a day on merit badges and other opportunities. Our first year Scouts earned these badges between them: basketry, sculpture, leatherwork, swimming, fishing, fingerprinting, space exploration, reptile and amphibians. They may have been a few others. There were also other proficiency awards earned: Snorkeling, Kayaking, and we had a 12 year old Scout earn Mile Swim.


The troop also earned two honor awards for participation and a special commendation for a service project.


Every boy from last year is coming back again. So I think the key is to let them make the choices and to just have fun!

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I asked my son, a mid-teen Star Scout with 4 1/2 years as a boy scout for experience, what he would recommend to a brand new scout. His list:


1) rifle shooting (everybody likes to shoot - he says rifles over the other shooting MBs because there's too much shoulder kick in the shotgun for little guys, and archery is harder than rifles)

2) reptiles & amphibians (extra cool if you catch your own critter, which you get to care for for a month before releasing)

3) metal working (he says good to do at summer camp)


He has both swimming and first aid MBs. Swimming in particular, he said he thought was tough for typical 10-11 year olds (this from a kid who has taken red cross swim lessons his entire childhood, swims like a fish). Lots of requirements, some stamina, and a fair bit of coordination required.


I'm not saying it can't work to do those particular MBs which seem to be popular for first year scouts in many troops. I'm just passing along my son's thoughts on the subject.

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More great info. I love this place.


Lisabob - Thanks for asking you son. Sometimes I miss the obvious. Now to track down some more of those 3rd and 4th year scouts that are still active in a Troop to get their feedback.


John - I understood your first post. I like seeing the progression, and how one will feed the other.


Now to run off to the store to return the Nuclear Science and Composite Materials books...just kidding. :)

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