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EBOR is Saturday!


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Since you were all so supportive of my vent about the delays in my son's Eagle process, I wanted to let you know that his EBOR is this Saturday afternoon. I've been reading up on what Matt should expect and also how long some of the guidelines say an EBOR should be. One document said, "more than 15 minutes but less than an hour." Another, from the advancement chair for the NESA, says that they should be about 30 minutes.


I talked to Matt's friend Andrew, and he said his was about 2 1/2 hours long. If Matt's goes that long, I think I'm going to show the NESA document to our district folks and ask why theirs are so long. It's just not fair to these young men.


I'll let you know after the weekend if I have an Eagle Scout.



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Concur with everyone else - let it ride. After 2 + hours on one sons EBOR found out the BOR was 15 min. and done the rest of the conversation was about western marshal arts (sword fighting), using pack saddles, building armour -- so relax unless son brings up -- testing ect.. however it would be good if he knows the oath, law, motto, Pledge of Allegiance (for flag)and slogan.

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starwolfmom (Elizabeth),


Greetings again!


I would think very few BOR last 2 and 1/2 hours long. I can't call baloney, but its a tough bit to chew. As an adult who has sat on only a few EBORS, I doubt the board members could sit there longer than an hour.


Possibly the young man may have been exaggerating, because it seems like it goes on forever?


What I can offer....

The EBOR members will probably read over the candidates package that day/evening at the EBOR. Then they will probably read the letters, they may even discuss what their questions will be (most of the time, it is only to solicit dialogue with no right/wrong answer). But the board members should know what others will ask, so that member 4 doesn't have the same questions as members 1, 2, and 3, and has to think of a question on the spot.


While the young man is sitting outside, this pre-EBOR discussion may take 30 minutes. Then maybe up to 10 minutes of pleasantries and introductions when the Eagle candidate enters.


After 30 minutes of an interview and discussing, the Scout may have been at the board location for possibly an hour (but seem like 2-3 hours to a teenager).


Just like any interview, Scouting, college, community based organization, or job applicant; After the interview, the board members will discuss the answers, what they found profoundly interesting, could some youth ideas benefit Scouting, what answers they were surprised by and even what they found humorous. This post interview discussion by the board members could take 10 minutes or more. Then it is time to bring the candidate back in, to be told the results of the EBOR decision.


Yeah. It could seem like 2, 3, maybe 4 hours for a nervous young Life Scout. But the interview portion itself is normally 30 minutes.


Just for fun. Could you tell us (well really me) how long Matt's interview actually last?

Good Luck to Matt!


Scouting Forever and Venture On!

Crew21 Adv

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