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Eagle Palm SMC


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Let's start by reviewing the Advancement Requirements for a Palm:



Be active in your troop and patrol for at least three months after becoming an Eagle Scout or after award of last Palm. (Eagle Palms must be earned in sequence, and the three-month tenure requirement must be observed for each Palm.)


Demonstrate Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath (Promise) and Scout Law in your everyday life.


Make a satisfactory effort to develop and demonstrate leadership ability.


Earn five additional merit badges beyond those required for Eagle or last Palm. (Merit badges earned any time since becoming a Boy Scout may be used to meet this requirement.)


Take part in a Scoutmaster Conference.


Complete a board of review.


There is no requirement for the young man to hold a POR. Demonstrating his leadership ability can be done as a camp staffer, can be done in his community activities, can be done in a second chartered unit. Further, per p28 of ACP&P, you've allowed him to hold the POR for the tenure. If he's not doing the job, the onus is on you to mentor, counsel, and ultimately, remove


Scout spirit: We can have that debate 100 times and again, but I'm of the school that interprets that as how he acts the other 167 hours of his weekly life, away from the Troop meeting.


Five MBs that haven't been used so far: That's a metric, pure and simple.


We're talking here about the Conference and the BOR.


If the Scouts' Dad has the clout you claim he does, this conversation may need to move to a higher level: If so, we're not talking about friendly cups of coffee, but rather a business meeting with the CC, COR, District Advancement Chair, and the District Commissioner.


Why do I say "may" in the paragraph above? Only you can decide the right level of "friendly cups of coffee" or "formal business meetings" is for this situation. You know the local folk. You hopefully know what buttons they'll respond to.


As a concluding thought, knowing your District Advancement Chair, well enough to have a cup of coffee with him, is a good thing. Of all the District Committee folk, he and the Activities Chair have the most direct effect on the lives of your Scouts.


Let us know how this turns out.

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"can be done in a second chartered unit"

I don't think that applies since dad is rechartering son in Troop. From page 24 of 2008 Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures:

"Any registered Boy Scout or Varsity Scout may earn these awards until his 18th birthday. Any Venturer who achieves the First Class rank as a Boy Scout or Varsity Scout in a troop or team may continue working for the Star, Life, and

Eagle Scout ranks and Eagle Palms while registered as a Venturer up to his 18th birthday."

If son is registered in second unit then they would be handling the Palms and Troop would not be involved.


but hes having his son recharter to try to get his 9 palms


Looks as if this is going to be long term issue. I don't think that meeting with District Advancement Chair is going to be of any help as dad is using Dictrict Advancement Committee for his sons advantage. You need to look at what is in your Troops best interests and go from there.



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I'm not disagreeing with your assessment. I do think that Mr Maynard better have a good relationship with his COR, because Mr COR is going to need to give Mr Maynard some high cover: Memo for XX XXX, DE, XXX District, XXX Council: Our organization will not renew the Scouting membership of Billy Bob Jumpback, BSA 12345678. We will not revisit this issue. We will be glad to transfer our records to his gaining unit. Very truly yours, Joe Smith, COR...


Then stand by for the storm...

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lets see if i can shed some light on this a little more.

The scout in question is not in a crew nor a different council .

He and his father come from about 40 min. away to come to meetings.

But since Oct The scout hasnt showed up for any meetings but his father does and every time I ask about him I am told that he has to work on Mondays and he will not be making the meetings because of it.

Now as far as the scout goes he turns 18 in Sept.

He has more than enough merit badges to make his 9 palms.

He has his 4 eagle projects done for his HD Award

The scout doesnt care about any other scouts in his troop and will not help anyone with doing anything unless he is made by a leader and if your not watching he will just walk away.




You ask How can a scout be awarded more MB and Palms if the unit is not filing Advancement Reports signed by the troop committee? Curious minds want to know. Sounds like fraud to me. I would also wonder if he's using registered MB counselors.


This is what im asking how can a scout go and do SMC & BOR with out even using the troop.

Is that all they need is somewhere to be chartered to get his palms. And just bypass the troop I dont think its right.

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It's not right, Mr. Maynard. You and the CC and COR should schedule a meeting with the District Advancement Chair and District Commissioner and request (demand?) some answers. If you and your fellow leaders feel strongly that the scout is being, shall we say, "unethical", then revoke his membership. There is no rule that you, as a volunteer, owe this guy anything.


Not sure what you meant by "has his 4 eagle projects for his HD award"...what's an HD award?

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HD stands for Hornaday Awards



if i can get this Guy and his son out all i will have is one more bad apple left but you know what they say about 1 bad apple


with the 4 Eagle projects for his Hornaday Awards none of the boys wanted to help after the secound on and the father was getting nuts saying we were telling the kids not to help(NOT TRUE)but this is the kind of thing we go through with this guy and his son.


so now hes getting Eagle Palm BOR without the SMC

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District Advancement Committee are supposed to hold BOR's on appeal of Troop decision by the Scout or Parent. As part of the appeal process they can prepare Advancement reports.


Unfortunately what is happening is a Committee member or the Advancement Committee itself is abusing their authority by initiating SM conference and holding BORs.


Normally this situation is brought to and would be discussed with District Chair and DE/DD. Considering that Mr. Maynard has posted that dad has pull in the District I think this should go to the next step. A friendly chat with the DE/DD, Council Advancement Chair and SE concerning the situation is needed. Your CO should also be made aware of has happened to the unit they own.



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How can a scout be awarded more MB and Palms if the unit is not filing Advancement Reports signed by the troop committee? Curious minds want to know. Sounds like fraud to me. I would also wonder if he's using registered MB counselors.


For palms, he can use merit badges earned at any time since becoming a Scout. So if he earned a badge at age 11, it'll count.

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