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How long to finish merit badge partials?


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I had one boy that couldn't do a pull-up at all. After 30 days of practice he was able to do a partial (he got his elbows to bend a bit). I teased him all the way through scouting about this problem and at his Eagle Banquet, he tried yet again. He did get the elbows to bend a bit so he hadn't lost any ground. He did get a full-ride football scholarship as a defensive lineman, so all was not lost. Great kid, got a great future, excellent scout, admired by his fellow sscouts, fantastic Eagle. He just can't do pull-ups.


It's about the boys, not the requirements!!!!!!



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Our Troop would not accept partial pull-ups as improvement and he was having serious issue with the pull-ups. It took him til he was 14 to make First class because of the pull-ups.


Yah, Kittle, sorry if I misunderstood, eh? The title of the thread got stuck in my head so I didn't realize when yeh left the merit badge topic.


Like the First Class swimmin' requirements, the pullups requirement seems to be one of those that generates a lot of angst. In either case, a boy who is startin' a fair ways behind his peer group can have a dickens of a time meetin' those requirements.


My personal feelin' is that the Tenderfoot rank is not the place to be holdin' up a lad for years. Just doesn't make any sense. I also don't much care for "partial" pullups because it just feels like a completely arbitrary standard where it's easy to fudge or play favorites. I tell units that are concerned about this to use da bent arm hang time which is the alternative to pullups in the Presidential Fitness Test.




"Improvement" then can be a few seconds longer hang time, but is really measurable.


Of course, like partial pullups this is really subtractin' from the requirements, but I reckon it keeps the spirit and intent intact and appropriate for Tenderfoot rank.




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