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Your Council/District: IS THERE a threshold for ELSP hours?


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This is another of the "Beavah" styled threads. Be friendly, but be honest with us...


Does your Council or District Advancement Committee have expectations when a Life Scout shows up with his Eagle Leadership Service Project, seeking District Advancement Committee approval to go forward?


Thanks to His Honor nldscout (the Judge) and his 5000 hour threshold for the thread idea :) (even if it's blindingly obvious that was said in full jest)(This message has been edited by John-in-KC)

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Our council has "limits"/"expectations"/etc. on the projects, but it varies from one project to another. I had one project that was questionable in their estimation and they called to validate the scope and appropriateness of the project. After conferring with me they approved the project and the project eventually went on to receive state-wide recognition for the effort. The project was at no cost, involved no physical "labor" and was solely an issue of organization, scheduling and leadership on the part of the candidate. Later I was told that the conversation I had with the Board opened up some new and different opportunities for Eagle projects in the future.



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I am not aware of any minimum hour policies in either our council or district. The district where we lived in Southern California many moons ago did have a 100 hour requirement, but I don't know what, if anything, they are requiring now.

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Nothing that's written down. I've been told that projects with low hours are carefully examined. That's all I've heard. I suppose it's not as if projects with lots of hours aren't carefully examined, is it? H'mmmm

We've just never had a problem along these lines.


Yeah, I've been wondering about Beavah. And Gold Winger for that matter - but I'm afraid to ask.

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Fellow Scouters,





Yes and No. After reading the post string asked by actipis, they have received quiet a few good answers, so I decided to post after John in KC's question.


I've posted before, my thoughts about Eagle Scouts, I praise the hard working and long suffering Eagle Scouts, but I am still happy to see an Eagle Scout just meeting the minimum and just earning Eagle.


Like a few fellow Scouters, I have worn and still wear a few Scouting hats. But I don't run the district, and the council camp is not named after me, so I try to keep my ego in check. The past few years I have moved from the council executive committee to the district committee which is also fairly well staffed. So I have friends that also wear the hat of Council and District Committee Chair, Trainers, Advancement Chair, Activity Chair, Membership, Fiance, etc. If they give me the floor, I'll tell them what I would like to see done, but I don't wear all those hats, and it is not my policy being established.


That being said. I have had a few spirited debates with a couple of members district committee and another on the council committee. I believe that ELSP leadership is very basic definition and very basic minimum is more than one Scout (leading two or more) and more than one hour of service (to make it hours). Both individuals (one on the district, the other on the council) share similar views, stating that they expects 1000 hours minimum. I can't tell them that their wrong (I'd rather tell them a few more things than that), but I can tell them that I am thankful they are not filling the position of district/council advancement chair and that they have other district/council responsibilities.


So. Back to John in KC's question.


Yes.. Some individuals in the district/council want a ridiculous amount of hours from each candidate. Thankfully they are not the advancement chair (neither am I), and they cannot mandate 1000 hours.


Yes. Our advancement chair does want certain things written into the ESLP. Most ESLP workbooks are sent to the district with short statement (such as, "my troop will work on the project"). Not much amplification, not much how it will be done. Sometimes, just reading it in black and white some projects do serious sound dangerous. (Hey, I've known an Life Scout and father hit and killed by a drunk driver while the troop was building a school bus stop on the residential side of the sidewalk.)


Safety (training, equipment, and transportation), adult leadership (YPT minimum), method of communications (how the youth will be led to work), and a draft schedule. The ELSP gets returned to the candidate if it doesn't even begin to describe how the candidate will address those topics. It is never a denial of the project workbook. The attempt is not to derail a Life Scouts agenda. It is to address similar issues as a tour permit. The Life Scout will have to consider safety, and leadership while they are amplifying their plans.


So yes. My district and council does quiet often return an ELSP to address (or amply) those four topics. But the district does not return an ELSP to add more hours to the planning/completion.



Scouting Forever and Venture On!

Crew21 Adv

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Go about halfway down the page at this link.




Fscouter deleted GW's comments and referred to him as "Mark". That gives me the impression that GW was our old friend Mark Yaworski who has trolled these forums over the years under a wide variety of user names. GW's attitude fit many of Yaworski's other personas, so it makes sense.


Also, if you do a search on GW, you'll see his status listed as closed account. I believe he was unceremoniously ushered away from the campfire.


Beavah? I have no idea. Maybe he is just taking a break.

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