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Who Can Sit on EBORs?


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Unless there is a prohibition... there is nothing visible that says "why not."


There may, though, be some bad blood betweent the two.


Ask the District guy what's going on. Simple, direct. If needed, ask him with the District Chair and/or Commish present.


If the chair is inside the unit (vice the Advancement Committee guest), tell him to get his act together.

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If the COR is a parent or relative is but one example...


I was COR when EagleSon did his EBOR. The relations rule trumps the inherent interest of the COR and IH in their program.


Besides, the last thing EagleSon needed was Dad asking more tough questions. He gets that regularly...

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For a pre-District BOR, at the troop review, definitely. At the District level, it depends on how the DAC runs things.

At our DEBOR's, the board is made up of three District people, and two troop committee members selceted by the candidate. The SM introduces the Scout and parents to the board. The board then sends everyone to another room except the SM. They first talks with the SM. Then they bring in the parents and talk with them. Finally they bring the scout in and the EBOR is on. My oldest asked our COR to represent him on the DEBOR, but then again, we had a very active COR, campouts and all.

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?????"Pre-District BOR"?????


EBORs come in three flavors: The Council Advancement Committee chooses which methods a council will use:


- Board of Review conducted at the Unit, with a District Advancement Committtee Guest Member.


- Board of Review conducted by the District.


- Board of Review conducted by the Council.


(ACP&P page 30)


Now, if the Scout fails to receive unanimous approval for selection, then the appeal procedures, to include BORs as needed, kick into gear.


I really hope you didn't imply there's a unit BOR for a Scout before he attends his EBOR...

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Please don't tell me that your unit does a preliminary EBOR to see if the Eagle Candidate is ready for the EBOR conducted by the district? I thought that that situation was just a local thing in muy current area as I've never heard of that process before coming NC. That is adding requirements and therefore not authorized. Also it takes away from the SM conference.

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