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How dare I expect too much as an advancements chair! Ready to QUIT!


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FScouter has matters exactly right as I understand it. The requirement is to be active, not to be successful. If the boy is doing his best, that meets the requirement. If he is not doing his best, or is not around, the responsibility is on the SM or Troop to remove the boy from the position. Exactly as FScouter has stated, the SM cannot go back after the term and declare the boy failed.


Best wishes,


Neil Lupton

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To comment on 2 things-




1) I am OVER-trained for my position so my training is not an issue. However, If I were "just the Advancements Chair" or "just the Advancements Coordinator" I wouldn't even be making this post. I basically do everything in the Troop no one else has time to do (because they work during the day and I am a stay-at-home Mom), though my official position on my BSA ID Card is "Troop Committee Member."


I make most Troop bank deposits, take care of most, if not all fundraising, handle all the Tour Permits and secure outing permission slips, I usually coordinate the BORs and turn in any advancement reports to Council as well as pick up rank badges, cards, etc, I produce the Troop newsletter and give parents copies of the calendar as well, I maintain the Troop website, I take the boys grocery shopping for campouts (and have done the shopping myself when no boys show up), I maintain the main TroopMaster database for the Troop, I TRY to ensure Youth and Adults receive training or keep it updated, I volunteer as the Troop Contact for all Merit Badge Universities offered by Council and transport boys to and from these events, and of course I handle all advancements issues - I hold all the blank Blue Cards (boys have to come get one from me before the SM signs it, BEFORE they start the MB work). I may not be an ASM but we have only 1-2 ASM's who are not always there and so I find myself in a direct-contact and mentoring position with Youth quite frequently. I have been Scoutmaster trained as well, so it's not a big stretch for me to do all this other stuff not directly related to my 'official' position. I am just a jack-of-all-trades around here.




2) On the issue of the one boy who got a free pass to the O/A. This boy's TOTAL CAMPING NIGHTS for the ENTIRE TIME he's been a member in the Troop are 12 nights. He joined the unit in April 2004. So for 4 years, the boy's gone camping a total of 12 nights!! 5-10 of those were summer camp! It is virtually IMPOSSIBLE for him to be an O/A member. When I asked how he became an O/A member, the CC told me that the CC and Scoutmaster gave the boy an "OK" to get elected to the O/A because they basically felt sorry for him when his father had health issues.


Again, nothing I can do about the boy and the O/A issue. What's done is done. It's just an example of how this Troop is running, or at least has been used to running.


This issue HAS been brought up at Committee Meetings, time and time again, by me and my husband (Committee member). Problem is, my husband and I, and the CC are the only 3 people who ever show up for Committee meetings! And the CC is part of the problem, in my opinion, since they are one of the folks that apparently thinks it's OK to just give a boy a pass on requirements because it'll be easier on the boy! (See item 2 above)


I have all but begged the SM, and other registered leaders to come to our Committee Meetings, that we need input, that we need more people to show up - no one comes except the CC, me, and my husband the Treasurer . I gave the SM a copy of the JLT video and syllabus after the last elections. He never gave the JLT to the boys even though he said he would.


It's not like these other leaders aren't trained either, my husband, the CC and the SM are all trained in their positions and even have completed Wood Badge (which I have not). So I can't even chalk up these issues to not being trained. Instead, they are ALL trained and some have just instead decided that they're going to do it their way, or cheapen the BSA program to suit their involvement levels or something. I don't know - it's frustrating. In this Troop we are only able to hold the boys up to the standard set by it's leaders. And right now, that bar is at sub-standard. And I can't stand it :(



You know what they say - when nothing changes, nothing changes :(

(This message has been edited by Joni4TA)

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In May of 2003 on this forum you started a thread titled "I am so fed up and disgusted I am ready to quit SCOUTS!


It was about the cubmaster in the pack where you were on the committee. That Cubmaster went to the troop and you chose to follow him there.


And now after 5 years of constantly complaining about him through numerous threads you start another thread titled ....Ready to Quit!


How long does it take you to figure out that you do not like this man and you do not work well together???


For your own sanity someone should quit. Since over 5 years of you complaining about him hasn't made him quit, maybe for your own good you should be the one to step out of the picture. Certainly the bickering between the two of cannot be good for the others who must put up with it in the troop?


Think of all the things you could be doing with your time that you actually could enjoy rather than continue this unhealthy relationship.


Ready to quit? Well, perhaps it's time?




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Hey BobWhite!! Not only was that "helpful" - you know the old saying about ASS-U-ME and assuming things right? Well read on mi compadre...



You wrote:


In May of 2003 on this forum you started a thread titled "I am so fed up and disgusted I am ready to quit SCOUTS!


It was about the cubmaster in the pack where you were on the committee. That Cubmaster went to the troop and you chose to follow him there.


And now after 5 years of constantly complaining about him through numerous threads you start another thread titled ....Ready to Quit!


How long does it take you to figure out that you do not like this man and you do not work well together???


For your own sanity someone should quit. Since over 5 years of you complaining about him hasn't made him quit, maybe for your own good you should be the one to step out of the picture. Certainly the bickering between the two of cannot be good for the others who must put up with it in the troop?


Think of all the things you could be doing with your time that you actually could enjoy rather than continue this unhealthy relationship.


Ready to quit? Well, perhaps it's time?"





Since May of 2003 -


I transferred from the Pack, and its leaders in question, to a Troop in the same council but not affiliated with the Pack leadership I talked about in that post -


AND THEN two years later I made a transfer to another Council over 10,000 miles away


and FROM THERE, two years ago - to my current council and Troop 1,800 miles from the second Council.



You made a really bad assumption that I would follow that jackass from Pack to Troop and remain there for 5 years complaining about it. My husband was military for 26 years - we've moved every 3 years we've been together like clock-work and been involved in over 7 councils and numerous units across the globe. I am sorry if you didn't know this, but your post made me painfully aware of how highly you think of me.



It's terrible to assume buddy!


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I simply asked for clarification becasue you wrote "my husband, the scoutmaster and the assistant scoutmaster". I was unable to tell if you were referring to two or three people, so I asked.


So we still have the fact that you don't get along well with the unit leaders you have worked with, and for 5 long years are unable to decide whether to quit or to continue your anguish.


My recommendation is to take action od smoe kind rather than to continue to be unhappy and to share that unhappiness with others while you threaten to quit.


Agian you could have chosen 5 years of doing things you enjoy, rather than choosing 5 years of being miserable and thinking about taking action without making a decision.

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oops, had to type onthe run. here we go without typos.



I simply asked for clarification because you wrote "my husband, the scoutmaster and the assistant scoutmaster". I was unable to tell if you were referring to two or three people, so I asked.


So we still have the fact that you don't get along well with the unit leaders you have worked with, and for 5 long years are unable to decide whether to quit or to continue your anguish.


My recommendation is to take action of some kind rather than to continue to be unhappy and to share that unhappiness with others while you threaten to quit.


Again you could have chosen 5 years of doing things you enjoy, rather than choosing 5 years of being miserable and thinking about taking action without making a decision.



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