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Communication Merit Badge question


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I'm a Communication Merit Badge counselor too.

Our troop has a history of two scouts sharing the COH responsibility and I haven't changed things as this works well with two. I would not attempt it with more than two.


As for the campfire--there is nothing in the requirement that states there must actually be a fire. I had one scout who needed to finish up this badge. It was mid-winter, rainy, and the next COH wasn't scheduled for 3 months. I had him talk with the SPL about holding a "campfire" at the end of a troop meeting. We had skits, songs, and everything except logs. It was great fun and he earned #8.

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I had a situation very similar to Maxwell's. Scout was leaving for a mission trip in Alaska in a few days and would be 18 when he returned. Great scout and all-around guy, BTW. We did the "campfire" in the church parking lot where our meetings were held. He then did a five minute presentation on how to organize a campfire, what resources he used and where he found them. Two birds with one stone AND those who didn't have the badge yet got some tips on how to complete the requirement!



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