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Merit sash badge for BoR?


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As a frequent BOR member, I think it would be nice if he did. It gives him an opportunity to show off his accomplishments (those MB sashes don''t get much wear!) and it gives both him and the BOR members tangible opportunities to reflect on what he has earned, what he liked, and what he might prefer to do differently in the future.

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At Tenderfoot, and 2d Class BORs, a sash may or may not be needed. Some kids are ready for Star as soon as they make 1st Class, though, save their POR, service hours, and tenure. A sash might be useful to the BOR then... it helps them and him focus on the future.


At Star, Life, and Eagle, it simply should not be optional, save certain economic situations which SM and CC know about, imo.

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Of all the (very few) things I kept from before my wedding day, my MB sash is one of the most cherished items. In a way, it''s a talisman now, a touchstone from me as a provider of the BSA program to youth, to the me who was once a Scout.


Eagle Son converted his BSA shirt to adult knots this summer as he passed 18. I will make sure his MB sash stays for him to remember how he got to be a superb young adult.

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I agree with John I kept my sash as well,I also added on my rank, office, and council patches, etc. So it is like my little shrine to my scouting experience. I take it out once in a while to show my kids, and when my crew asks to see the old historic relic. It brings back some great memories, gee I guess that means I am getting old.


Oh, and by all means wear it the BOR.(This message has been edited by RangerT)

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I would say yes he should, once he has merit badges. However I would not expect till roughly the Star board depending on the Scout.


I still have my sash from when I was a Scout and it still has all 22 merit badges that I was presented at the Court of Honors on it.


I personally do not like the look of the OA and MB sash being worn together - just seems a bit busy and way to showy for me. (IMHO)


In our Troop if the Scout is not in proper uniform they are not allowed to go to the BOR, they have to wait till the next one is held.



Just my wacky 2 cents...


Scott Robertson


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I think the answer depends on the answer to another question - is the Merit Badge Sash a required part of the uniform, or is it an acceptable accessory. I do not recall ever reading or hearing that the Merit Badge Sash was required - only that it was an optional piece of the uniform that was acceptable to wear during a uniform inspection. To my recollection, you wouldn''t lose points if you failed to wear the sash during a uniform inspection.


If it isn''t required, why require it for the BOR. I like the idea that Scouts can wear the sash at the BOR as a touchstone of his past. I also like this idea for the additional formality it brings to the proceedings. The Merit Badge Sash, if worn, is to be worn only on formal occasions such as Courts of Honors. They aren''t meant for regular meeting wear and most troop level BOR''s are held on regular meeting nights. Considering the BOR to be a formal occasion isn''t a bad idea either. But it seems to me that requiring it just adds another thing the Scout and the BOR has to worry about and just provides another opportunity for our less than flexible adult bretheren to "flex their muscles" so to speak. Encourage? Yes - if they wear it Great!! But require it? I hope not.


As has been mentioned, the OA Sash shouldn''t be worn at the BOR. It is worn at OA Functions only. And it is never worn at the same time as the Merit Badge Sash (if I''m not mistaken, this is policy in the official insignia guide - only one sash may be worn at a time - and you can''t get around it by wearing one sash over the shoulder and one over the belt - still not allowed).


As for temporary insignia patches on the back, if I were to do so, the only ones I would put there are temporary insignia patches of awards that have been earned - not camporee or hiking trail patches. My preference would be for patches like Mile Swim (I know - it''s supposed to only go on a swim suit or vest but it''s still a great accomplishment and award so I say bend the rules on it), BSA Lifeguard, 50-Miler Award, Hornaday Award, Paul Bunyan Award. Gaudy - maybe - but at least these would be awards that were earned - not just patches that were handed out because someone slept in a tent.



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I think there is a significant distinction between "requiring" a uniform at a BOR and "expecting" it. In my son''s troop, a boy''s level of uniforming will be noted and commented on at a BOR, but he won''t be refused a board or "fail" because of it. I can''t recall a boy ever having his sash however--not a bad idea, especially for Star and Life.

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