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Eagle BoR's, who does 'em in your area


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I can only cover the last 35 years in our Council and the Troop that I serve. Troops are responsible for assembling the Eagle Board of Review, just like all of a Scout's prior Boards of Reviews. The Troop assigns the Chairperson of those EBOR's. The only difference is, that we invite someone from the Council's Advancement Committee. He/she simply represents the Council in this proceeding.



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What Beavah said.


I have a really sick feeling when I hear of Districts who bring the Scout to a District function (RT, Commissioners meeting, or District Committee meeting) for the EBOR. To me, and assuming the Scout is one of those who has worked hard and well to earn Eagle, the EBOR should be a memorable evening for the young man. This means a site that's important to him, and members on the Board who are important to him.


Fortunately, that's how my District operates.

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Ours are organized by the District Advancement Chair. He provides 1-2 people and the troop committee provides 1-2 people. He often tries to bring in someone with a background that fits the candidates interest. For example, if he knows the candidate is interested in the military, he might get someone in the military to sit on the BOR.

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Learn something on this forum every day. I had no idea that there were different set ups for Eagle BOR. Our District Advancement Chair presides over Eagle BORs and he selects a couple of others to help. I don't know how he picks them, but it seems sometimes it's just whoever happens to be available. Eagle BORs as well as project approvals are done after District Roundtable. Sadly, that means the Eagle candidate is usually sitting around during for him what is a boring adult meeting - sometimes for well over an hour.


The reason I mention that our District Adv. Chair sometimes just picks whoever is available is because of my Eagle candidate last Spring. For his BOR, our Adv. Chair was present along with a Committee person from another troop and another scouter that same troop I didn't know very well. Only the Adv. Chair was in uniform (besides the Eagle Scout).


While I've know him for many years and like and highly regard our District Adv. Chair, I really wasn't at all impressed with these Eagle BORs and have seen similar situations for the past year.

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gwd-scouter, I learn something from this site often, which is why I'm getting kinda hooked on it. I would suggest you get involved with the process in your area and help to bring it up to the level of distinction that it deserves.


In my area (I should have added this earlier) the process is left up to the district to settle. The council we're in is huge and they defer most things to the districts to administer. The EBoR's are the responsibility of the Dist Adv Committee.


The Committee has a memeber who is charged with coordinating the EBoR's. It's this volunteers job to assemble a qualified group of Scouters, community leaders, etc to sit on the Board at least one time monthly. They're held at the same place / time every month so scheduling is not an issue.

The Eagle Candidate is contacted and an appointment is made.


If a troop would rather stage the EBoR themselves (I don't think this option is advertised very much), then it's up to the coordinator to add one or two objective non unit members to the mix.


Thanks for eveyone's input, this is great.

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Here, the District Eagle Advisor (I think that's his title) organizes them. He has a group of BOR chairs, and each candidate is asked to bring two persons to serve on a board. The twist is that a number of BORs are scheduled at the same time, and the people the candidate provides don't serve on his board, but on one of the others. I think this works well--the only drawback being that only the BOR chair knows much about the candidate in advance.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Our EBoR's are district level, but our District Eagle person doesn't actually choose people to assist. We have a calling list of those willing to serve and we call till we get a few people and they all show up at the candidate's home troop on the designated night for the EBoR. We started doing that to try to avoid the local stigma of having SMs kids "get" Eagle by being the son of the SM. This way, our district group has the same folks all the time, the boys have usually already met them somewhere down the line, and the kids all know that none have ties to the home troop, so it seems best.


The boys love it around here. They feel so proud when they can present to other adults and represent their troop in this way.

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