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Religious Signature on Eagle Application


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The Following is from the outside back cover of the Eagle Leadership Service Project Workbook, BSA 18-927. The Adobe acrobat version I'm using for this comes from the NESA website:



5. When the completed application is received at the council

service center, its contents will be verified and the references

contacted. The council advancement committee or its designee

contacts the person listed as a reference on the Eagle Scout

Rank Application either by letter, form, or telephone checklist.

The council determines the method or methods to be used.

The candidate should have contacted those individuals listed

as references before including their names on the application.

The candidates should not be involved personally in transmitting

any correspondence between persons listed as references

and the council service center. (Bold type is emphasis added)


Letter, no. Reference check required? Yes.


Do we agree?

(This message has been edited by John-in-KC)

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John, yes I agree. I am familiar with the wording and that is the reason I asked. Eagle1984 mentioned that letters are required and I suspect his unit is not the only one. When I first joined scouting as an adult leader, the 'letter required' thing was a local tradition (although not actually required by the council, go figure).

I was just curious to know the origin of 'required letters' elsewhere...whether they are a local tradition or whether other councils really do have different requirements.

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Our council requires letters, and asks/expects the boy to make the request and give the reference the information/materials (same as college app.). Da letters are mailed by the reference directly to the district advancement chair for each district, to be passed on to the EBOR chair.


Dat's been true of at least 2 other councils I've worked in. Seems more the norm rather than the exception across the U.S., as far as I can tell. Also a pretty easy, workable system.



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Boy, these forums do bring jog the memory. (Theres a topic... forms of exercise... memory jogging, down alist running, but I digress)


I remember when my folks and I were filling out the Eagle applications that there was a request for "letters of reference" from a number (3?) of non-Scout people that could vouch for the applicants "character, citizenship and worth" as I remember. This reference stuff was new to me. Perhaps it was only Council required, I don't know. But there was included a form letter to send to the requested referencers. Who to ask? School counselor? Teacher? Camp counselor from a non scout camp? Clergyman? Family friend? Coach? Past employer? I think one of them was Mr. Vonessen, my school Counselor. I really don't remember who we asked.


I suppose sometime in the not so distant future, I may be asked to serve in some capacity about an Eagle applicants application (TBOR? DBOR? Advisor? DAC? My sons application? Hasn't happened yet...) so then I'll have to think about whether Reference Letters are "required" or not NOW. I can only testify to some dimly remembered past...


Perhaps once upon a time, there was a "requirement", but it has been TWEAKED to a phone call, or a email, or a suggestion...


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I'm always amazed that something as important as the Eagle approval process varies so widely throughout the country.


In this Council, the Council Advancement Committee does nothing. All EBOR are conducted by the units, with a District rep present. If letters are obtained or references checked, it's up to the Unit Committee Chair (BOR Chair), and I as the District rep, don't second guess him. If the EBOR is successful, I sign the form and we're done.



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