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Patrol vs Troop POR


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In the troops I have served, only the troop-level positions were used for POR credit for advancement. But I have found the patrol-level positions to be an excellent training ground for beginning leaders to learn and grow. The scouts are all encouraged to seize these opportunities to show their buddies they are ready, willing, and able to handle more responsibility on the next cycle. The ones who do so have always moved up quickly.



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Our troop has had this discussion as well. For Patrol-level posiitons, we do not credit the POR, nor do they wear a patch. HOWEVER, we (the PLC in conjunction with the SM/ASMs) decided that the position of QM was so critical, that we decided to treat the Patrol QMs as a troop position. In other words, today we have three patrols. Therefore, we have three Troop QMs, one from each patrol. Each is responsible for his patrol gear, and collectively they are responsible for the troop gear. It's a new concept, we've only been going with it a few months. It seems to be working out well for us.

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I'd agree with Vicki's views, at least for the Eagle requirements... For Star and Life, I'd be a little less concerned with using Patrol-level positions. In fact, I think my Star POR was 'patrol' scribe, but that was several years ago.


I observed an Eagle BOR where the scouts' sole leadership position had been librarian - that was entertaining.



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