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Eagle Scout issue


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There are a few things about this story that bother me. First is that the boy did not start working on anything until he had the extension in hand. Clearly the spirit of why a boy earns merit badges and completes a project in the first place is not there.


Then there is the issue of not talking to the Scoutmaster until after the fact. This says the scout has a problem in associating with other adults, even his leader.


Lastly, how did he and his mother know that you could get an extension in the first place? This is not something that is common knowlegde amongst non-scouters. Procastination is not a good excuse for an extention. I would insist on a copy of that letter and find out if the excuse was valid or not. An invalid excuse should invalidate the extention.

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When granted an Extention in our council you only get a letter from our SE, not from national. Its up to SE to get the OK from national and most of time that is done verbally. THe SE then signs a letter giving scout X amount of time.


To get a 6 month extention is not difficult if documented. If he has a letter then the troop should have gotten copy also, or tell youth to bring it in so you can make a copy. If the letter is legit, then don't hold it against the scout, that would be petty.


NOw saying that, I would be raising holy hell with council starting with my DAC, DE, Then CAC, and finally SE as to why they accepted an extention request without troop input. Then there is the other side, did they ask maybe your CCC or previous SM and they blessed. The council should never take one directly without troop leadership input.

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In this situation, could a Scoutmaster refuse to sign the merit badge cards and Eagle Project paperwork? This would be based on the lack of scout spirit and not being up front and honest with the troop's leaders.

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Thanks for all of the comments and replies!


The scout in question has completed the bulk of his Eagle Project. There is some detail work left to be done, but it should not present an issue.


He is now in a leadership position. This is still pretty weird to me having an adult in a scout leadership position. I got him into the Instructor position because he is an adult, has two-deep leadership issues as a result of that, and because it forces him to lead in a goal-oriented fashion without the need for frequent one-on-one work such as might be needed as a patrol leader. He has been challenged to instruct in his choice of one of three skill sets: first aid, orienteering or knots and lashings through First Class. He has reasonable goals he must meet in this assignment before his extension expires in August and he can get his leadership-time requirement signed off.


As of yet, he has not begun working on any of the remaining five merit badges he needs for Eagle Scout. We will see how that works out in the coming months.


Thank you again to those offering help here.

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Sorry, I missed the question about who was consulted:


No one at the troop level was consulted. When I spoke to the rep from the Eagle committee at council, he said they assumed the troop endorsed the request and did not think it was necessary to consult with the troop. No one from district was consulted either.

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Having set on many Eagle Board I would expect to see a copy of the letter granting the extension well before his Eagle BOR. A copy of this should have gone to the District Advancement Chair.

In our Council any request for extension has to have the SM and DAC signatures on it.

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Having to do five eagle required MB's all at once in the next two months is a tall order. I would be very surprised to hear that this boy/adult finished them all in time. Perhaps his mom wants the eagle more that he does?

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  • 2 months later...

An update:


The scout in question completed all of the requirements he had left. With a very rocky finish, he was able to get through the SM conference this past weekend. His extension expires today. He may still face some tough questions at his Eagle Board of Review.


Thanks to all for the advice and comments.

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