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Eagle Requirements


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I would suggest that you go to (or call) the council office and request a print out of his record to make -sure- that he has the MB's not only completed but recorded. We have started doing this routinely when boys are close to Eagle because we have found that sometimes even though we KNOW the advancement forms have been turned in, somehow they don't get recorded!! If there is a question then we also have the boys bring their MB Cards (or copies of them) in so that we can verify things. It's better to get this straightened out before he starts the Eagle Application process!


sue m.

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It's interesting that you caught on to that line in my original post. If you read on, in the post you'll see that Mom is driving this whole thing so it'll get done. I have since had a discussion with this young man and his mother. I explained to both of them that I would really like to see him back in the driver's seat and taking some of the responsibility for seeing that this all takes place. He was quite receptive and seemed to understand.


Now for an update:


I just found out from our local Council Advancement person that none of his records have been transfered.


I learned in my discussions with his mother that Scouting was something that he and his Dad did together from the time he was a Tiger Scout. He lost his Father to Cancer about a year before they moved here. They moved because his Mother married a man that had been transfered. So... He has had to adjust to losing his father, gaining a new step-father, leaving his friends, starting his first year of High School out of state, and continuing in Scouts without his father.


I also learned just yesterday from his Mother that his perception of the time that he was Life rank was incorrect. He actually was Life for about a year in his old Troop as Senior Patrol Leader. Based on all this new information, I do not plan to hold him up any further. The only thing we need now is to get the "stuff" (Eagle Project Workbook, Letters of Reference, and other records) transfered from his old Council to ours.


Thanks for all the comments.



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